Invitation to Biodiversa+ webinar

Tue, 06/06/2023 - 12:18
Kod CSS i JS

The Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA of the PAS in Brussels and the National Science Centre, Poland, are pleased to announce an information session aiming to introduce new calls to be launched by the Biodiversa+ European Partnership under Horizon Europe framework programme in September 2023 and 2024, as well as to highlight some important aspects to be considered by potential applicants.

The meeting will be specifically dedicated to the Life Sciences (LS), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research communities in Poland, and will take place soon after Biodiversa+ 2023 call pre-announcement.

The event will be held in English, on Friday, June 16 (9.30 – 12.15) and will be open to everyone interested in securing funds for research and innovation in the field of biodiversity. Only registered participants will be provided with necessary connection details prior to the event.

The registration deadline is June 14. Other information and the webinar agenda can be found at the PolSCA website in Polish and in English.

JPND Call 2023: an opportunity to join international research teams

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 10:30
Kod CSS i JS

JPND Call 2023: an opportunity to join international research teams

Under the JPND Call 2023: Large scale analysis of OMICS data for drug-target finding in neurodegenerative diseases, launched by the National Science Centre in collaboration with the JPND network (Neurodegenerative Disease Research), international research projects recommended for the second stage of the call may be additionally involve participation of research teams from Poland. Researchers interested in jointing the teams recommended for the second stage of the call should contact dr Jadwiga Spyrka, by 12 June 2023.

If you are invited to join the international consortium as a new partner, you should consult the budget table of the Polish part of the project with the NCN. The budget table in .xlsx format should be sent to alicja.dylag(at)  by 20 June 2023.

Joint full proposals must be submitted by 27 June 2023, 12:00 at noon, while NCN (UNISONO) proposals must be submitted to the OSF submission system by 4 July 2023.

Check the website of the JPND network and our website to find out more on the call.

Please read:

  • the call documents on the website of the JPND network (applicable to all applicants in the call) and
  • information for applicants on our website

Fourth ERC grant for NCN Award Winner

Wed, 05/31/2023 - 14:00
Kod CSS i JS

Dr hab. Piotr Sankowski, Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw and CEO IDEAS NCBR has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant.

Fot. Michał Niewdana, 2018 NCN Award CeremonyFot. Michał Niewdana, 2018 NCN Award Ceremony

This is the fourth time Dr hab. Piotr Sankowski has received an ERC grant. In 2010, he was awarded an ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant, in 2015, ERC Proof of Concept Grant, and in 2017, ERC Consolidator Grant.

Under the winning EXALT project (EXplainable ALgorithmic Tools), Piotr Sankowski and his team will perform basic research on Explainable AI to describe the algorithm decision-making process and to create a database library to help other scientists in developing improved AI solutions.

Prof. Sankowski’s research interests focus on algorithmics, particularly algorithmic graph analysis and data analysis algorithms. In 2018, he was among the three winners of the NCN Award for early-stage researchers working in Poland. He was awarded for fundamental results in the area of graph algorithms, especially finding associations in graphs. Prof. Sankowski has been a PI on two NCN grants.

The ERC PoC Grants of EUR 150 000 are available to researchers who have already been in one of the ERC grants. Grant funding enables practical application of the developed tools and commercialisation of research results. Funding is awarded as part of the “Horizon Europe” research and innovation programme. The ERC PoC Grants have already been awarded to four Polish researchers: Prof. Magdalena Król (two grants received in 2020 and 2022, respectively), Piotra Sankowski (in 2015), Prof. Janusz Bujnicki (in 2012), and Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak (in 2023).

Results of Weave-UNISONO call for Polish-Czech-German research projects

Wed, 05/31/2023 - 12:30
Kod CSS i JS

We have published the results of the Weave-UNISONO call for research projects carried out by researchers from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany covered by their proposals submitted in response to the 2022 call for proposals.

NCN’s support for international research collaboration is reflected in the Weave-UNISONO call for bilateral and trilateral research projects carried out by Polish researchers together with the research teams from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium-Flanders.

Due to NCN’s collaboration with the Czech Science Foundation GAČR, a Polish research team will receive funding for research. Prof. Dr hab. Daniel Wójcik from the Nenecki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences will lead the project “EEG/ECoG based functional connectivity neuroimaging in the rat - optimisation, standardisation and translational leap in neuropsychopharmacology”.

The project is trilateral and will be performed by the the research teams from Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany. The principal investigators of the foreign partners include Tomáš Páleníček from the National Institute of Mental Health (the Czech Republic) and Theodor Doll from the Research Institute of AuditNeuroTechnology of the Medical University in Hannover (Germany).

The purpose of the project is to use a novel high density 3D printed flexible silicone implant to identify and characterize EEGbased functional connectivity in freely moving rats and study its resilience and responses to different conditions, stimuli and drugs. Combining expertise of the teams, the researchers will establish a standard for high-throughput systematic EEG-based functional connectivity biomarkers for rats with high translational potential and broad applicability in translational pharmaco-EEG research.

Ranking list and call particulars

Enhancing Well-being for the Future

Kod CSS i JS

26 May 2023

The National Science Centre, in cooperation with 17 research funding organisations in Europe, announces the Call on Enhancing Well-being for the Future. The call is a joint initiative of the CHANSE programme and the NORFACE network.

The topics covered by the call are described in detail in the call announcement.

Proposals may be submitted by international consortia composed of at least 4 and maximum 6 research teams from at least 4 countries participating in the call. The principal investigator of the Polish research team must hold at least a PhD degree.

Countries participating in the call: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the NCN Council has decided that proposals submitted in response to NCN calls must not provide for any collaboration between Polish and Russian entities. Proposals providing for such collaboration will be rejected as ineligible.

Webinar for applicants

The Application Procedure:

First stage:

  • International level: an Outline Proposal is prepared by the Polish research teams in cooperation with the international partners (in English) and submitted by the Project Leader on behalf of the international consortium to the electronic submission system EPSS
  • Outline proposal deadline: 21 September 2023, 14:00 CET

Please note: At this stage, Polish applicants submit no documents to the NCN.

Second stage:

  • International level: a joint Full Proposal is prepared by the Polish research teams in cooperation with the foreign partners (in English) and submitted by the Project Leader on behalf of the international consortium to the electronic submission system EPSS
  • National level: NCN proposal concerning the Polish part of the project are drafted by the Polish research teams and submitted to the NCN electronically via the OSF submission system within 7 days of the date by which joint full proposals must be submitted at international level.

Call Timeline:

  • Submission deadline for joint Outline Proposals: 21 September 2023, 14:00 CET
  • Submission deadline for joint Full Proposals: 26 March 2024, 14:00 CET
  • Submission deadline for NCN proposals in OSF: 2 April 2024, 23:59 CET
  • Call results: October/November 2024

In this Call, funds can be requested for salaries for members of the research team, salaries and scholarships for students and PhD students, purchase or manufacturing of research equipment and other costs crucial to the research project.

The NCN has allocated a total of 750 000 EUR for research tasks performed by the Polish research teams in the call.

The EUR budget of the Polish part of the project in joint proposals must be calculated according to the following exchange rate: 1 EUR = 4,6976 PLN.

Please read:

  • the call documents available on the CHANSE website (documents applicable to all applicants in the call);
  • information for applicants below and annexes hereto (documents applicable only to applicants applying tor NCN funding).

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Who can apply for NCN funding?

Proposals in the call may be submitted by any entity specified in the Act on the National Science Centre (NCN), i.e.:

  1. universities,
  2. federations of science and HE entities,
  3. research institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences operating pursuant to the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1796, as amended),
  4. research institutes operating pursuant to the Act on Research Institutes of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1383, as amended);
  5. international research institutes established pursuant to other acts and acting in the Republic of Poland,

5a. Łukasiewicz Centre operating pursuant to the Act on the Łukasiewicz Research Network of 21 February 2019 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 2098);

5b. institutes operating within the Łukasiewicz Research Network,

  1. Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
  2. other entities involved in research independently on a continuous basis,
  3. groups of entities (at least two entities mentioned in sections 1-7 or at least one institution as such together with at least one company),
  4. scientific and industrial centres laid down in the Act on Research Centres (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1383, as amended),
  5. research centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences laid down in the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences of 30 April 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1796),
  6. scientific libraries,
  7. companies operating as R&D centres laid down in the Act on certain forms of support for innovation activities of 30 May 2008 (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 706),
  8. legal entities with registered office in Poland,

13a. President of the Central Office of Measures

  1. natural persons and
  2. companies conducting research in other organisational form than set forth in sections 1-13a.

If a research project is carried out by at least two Polish partners applying for NCN funding, they must set up a group of entities (see item 8 above) and as such submit NCN proposals. NCN proposals are submitted by a leader specified in the research project cooperation agreement concluded by the group of entities. An entity employing the principal investigator acts as the leader of the group of entities.

Please note: If, pursuant to Article 27 (1) (2) of the NCN Act, Polish entities cannot set up a group of entities, they are not eligible to apply for NCN funding of a joint research project.

Template agreement on the formation of a group of entities for the purposes of completion of a research project

Who can act as a principal investigator?

The principal investigator of the Polish research team must hold at least a PhD degree when submitting a proposal. Restrictions on submitting NCN proposals are laid down in Chapter IV of the Terms and regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded or co-funded under international calls launched by the National Science Centre and carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO, annexed to NCN Council Resolution No 32/2023 of 16 March 2023.

What are the topics covered by the call?

Proposals addressing the topic: Enhancing Well-being for the Future specified in the Call specified in the Call Announcement.

Please note: Polish researchers may apply for NCN funding of their basic research projects for the purposes of Article 2 (1) of the NCN Act.

NCN proposals comprising research tasks overlapping with research tasks to be carried out in another proposal that has been already submitted in any NCN call or with respect to which an appeal has been initiated, may only be submitted once the funding decision has become final.

What is the project duration period?

Research projects may be planned in the call for a period of either 24 or 36 months.

What are the positions for members of the research team?

Apart from the principal investigator, research tasks may be performed by additional investigators, including students, PhD students and post-docs.

A post-doc type post is a full-time post designated by the principal investigator for a person who has been awarded a PhD degree within 7 years before joining the project. This period may be extended pursuant to the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.

Please note: A post-doc type post can be occupied by a person who has been conferred a PhD degree by another entity than the one planning to employ him/her at this post or has completed a continuous and evidenced post-doctoral fellowship of at least 10 months in another entity than the participating entity and in another country than the one in which he/she has been conferred a PhD degree. A prospective post-doc must be selected in an open call.

A PhD student who will receive an NCN scholarship must be selected in an open call.

The rationale for involvement of individual members of the research team in a project is evaluated by an international expert team. Proposals must include the description of competencies and tasks to be performed by individual members of the research team. To find out more on the budget for salaries and scholarships, please read the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.

The terms of the call do not specify the maximum number of research team members.

Names of PhD students and post-docs must not be disclosed in either joint or NCN proposals.

How should the Polish budget be planned?

The project budget must be justified as regards the subject and scope of research, based on calculations and must specify the expenditures to be covered by the NCN (the so-called eligible costs).

The terms of the call do not specify the minimum or maximum value of funds that may be requested.

The budget in NCN proposals must be quoted in PLN, while the budget in the joint proposal, in EUR.

The EUR budget for the Polish part of the research project in the joint proposal must be calculated according to the following exchange rate: 1 EUR = 4,6976 PLN.

The project budget (eligible costs) includes direct and indirect costs.

Direct costs include:

  1. remuneration for the principal investigator
  2. employment for investigators in the project:
  • full-time employment for post-doc(s);
  • salaries and scholarships for students and PhD students;
  • the so-called additional remuneration for members of the research team. If the principal investigator does not plan to be employed full time in the project, his/her remuneration is paid from the pool allocated for additional remuneration;
  1. purchase of research equipment, devices and software;
  2. purchase of materials and small equipment;
  3. outsourcing;
  4. business trips, visits and consultations;
  5. compensation for collective investigators;
  6. other costs crucial to the project that comply with the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.

Please note: The costs of publication of monographs resulting from research projects (as defined in §10 of the Regulation on evaluation of the quality of research activity by the Minister of Science and Higher Education on 22 February 2019 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 392)) may only be incurred following a positive review by the NCN.

Indirect costs include:

  • indirect cost of Open Access (up to 2% of direct costs) that may be designated only for the cost of open access to publications or research data;
  • other indirect costs (up to 20% of direct costs) that may be spent on costs that are related indirectly to the research project, including the cost of open access to publications and research data.

Please note: The cost of open access to publications may only be incurred as indirect costs. The cost of open access planned as direct costs will be regarded as a formal error.

If an unreasonable budget is planned, a proposal may be rejected in the course of merit-based evaluation.

For more information, please go to the Costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.

Open access publication of research results

Together with other European research-funding institutions, the National Science Centre is a member of cOAlition S. Therefore, the NCN has adopted its Open Access Policy pursuant to which all research results stemming from NCN-funded research projects must be made available in immediate open access. In accordance with the principles of Plan S, the National Science Centre recognizes the following publication routes as compliant with its open access policy:

  1. publication in open access journals and on open access platforms registered, or with pending registration, in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
  2. publication in subscription journals (hybrid journals), as long as the Version of Record (VoR) or the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) is published, by the author or publisher, in an open repository immediately upon the article’s online publication;
  3. publication in transformative journals covered by an open access licence within the framework of so-called transformative agreements, inscribed in the Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges registry (ESAC-registry).

More on open access publication can be found here .

Can proposals in the call include application for state aid?

Proposals in the call may include an application for state aid. For more information, please go to the State aid section.

What is the proposal evaluation procedure?

I stage of the call

Joint Outline Proposals are subject to an eligibility check performed by the Call Secretariat and National Funding Organisations participating in the call. Eligible proposals are subject to a merit-based evaluation carried out by an international Review Panel.

II stage of the call

Joint full proposals are subject to an eligibility check performed by the Call Secretariat and National Funding Organisations participating in the call.

At the full proposal submission stage, the Polish applicants submit their NCN proposals to the OSF submission system which are subject solely to an NCN eligibility check carried out by the NCN scientific coordinators.

The eligibility check of NCN proposals involves verification of proposal for completeness, compliance with all the terms of the call documents and Resolution No 32/2023 of the NCN Council of 16 March 2023, including compliance of the budget with the Annex thereto (Costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO).

NCN proposals must be consistent with joint proposals.

Eligible proposals are reviewed by external referees. Then, the applicants may respond to the reviews (rebuttal stage). At the last stage of a merit-based evaluation, the Review Panel choses the proposals recommended for funding on the basis of full proposals, external reviews and applicants’ responses. The final list of awarded projects is selected by the Funding Organisations involved in the call.

Who performs the merit-based evaluation of proposals?

Only joint outline and joint full proposals are subject to merit-based evaluation which is performed by a Review Panel and external referees recruited jointly by the Funding Organisations participating in the call. More information on the evaluation of proposals is available in the call announcement.

When and how will the results be announced?

The call will be concluded in October/November 2024. Firstly, project leaders will be informed about the outcome. Polish research teams will be notified by way of decisions of the NCN Director.

In the event of a breach of the call procedure or other formal infringements related to actions performed by the NCN, the applicant may appeal against the decision of the NCN Director with the Committee of Appeals of the NCN Council.

Where can additional information be found?

For more information on the call, please go to the CHANSE website: call announcement. The terms of and regulations on NCN funding awarded in the call are laid down in an Annex to NCN Council Resolution No 32/2023 of 16 March 2023.

Should you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or by phone:

Show number

Useful information

If you are intending to submit a proposal to the Well-being call:

  1. read the call documents, in particular:

Before submitting an NCN proposal to the NCN at national level:

  1. collect data from the applicant required to complete the proposal and find out about the internal procedures that may affect the proposal and project performance (project costs, procedure for acquiring signature(s) of authorised representative(s) of the institution to confirm submission of the proposal); if a group of Polish entities applies, an agreement on collaboration for the purposes of completion of the requested research project is required,
  2. make sure that the information in and annexes to the proposal are correct. Checking the proposal for completeness in the OSF submission system with the Sprawdź kompletność [Check completeness] button does not guarantee that all information entered is correct and the required annexes have been attached;
  3. make sure that all tabs have been completed in the correct language;
  4. disable the final version of the proposal to the NCN; and
  5. download the confirmation of proposal submission which must be signed by the principal investigator and authorised representative(s) of the institution.

Once the proposal has been completed and all the required annexes attached, use the Wyślij do NCN [Send to NCN] button to submit the proposal to the NCN electronically via the OSF submission system.

Once the call for proposals has been closed:

  1. the evaluation of proposals will be carried out;
  2. if the proposal is recommended for funding, a funding agreement will be entered into;
  3. the project will be carried out pursuant to the funding agreement and regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded or co-funded under international calls launched by the National Science Centre and carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO .

In the event of a breach of the call procedure or other formal infringements, the applicant may appeal against the decision of the NCN Director with the Committee of Appeals of the NCN Council within 14 days of the effective delivery of the decision.

Call documents

Enhancing Well-being for the Future:

The call documents applicable to all applicants are available on the CHANSE website.

The National Science Centre:

  1. Terms of and regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded or co-funded under international calls launched by the National Science Centre and carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO
  2. Budget table of the Polish research team
  3. NCN proposal form template
  4. Guidelines for applicants to complete NCN proposal forms in the OSF submission system
  5. NCN proposal submission procedure in the OSF submission system
  6. Regulations for awarding scholarships in NCN-funded research projects
  7. Research project cooperation agreement
  8. State aid
  9. Guidelines for applicants to complete the ethics issues form in the proposal
  10. Guidelines for applicants to complete the data management plan form in the proposal
  11. NCN’s Open Access Policy, as amended
  12. Guidelines: NCN’s Open Access Policy
  13. Code of the National Science Centre on research integrity and applying for research funding
  14. NCN’s position on collaboration with the Russian Federation within the framework of NCN-funded grants

Documents concerning evaluation of proposals:

  1. Service of decisions of the NCN Director
  2. Guidelines for appealing against the NCN Director’s decisions

Documents to read before starting an NCN project:

  1. Agreement template (Agreement template for winners of the previous Era-Net call launched by the NCN – draft version that may be amended when the agreement with the NCN is entered into)
  2. Order establishing a procedure for conducting audits on host institution’s premises
  3. Guidelines for entities auditing the implementation of research projects funded by the National Science Centre
  4. Evaluation of monographs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre


New calls for transnational research projects on Crisis and Well-being

Fri, 05/26/2023 - 13:00
Kod CSS i JS

We are pleased to inform that CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) consortium in collaboration with HERA (The Humanities in the European Research Area) and NORFACE (The New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe)  Networks pre-announce calls for international research projects in the following themes:

Information about the calls:

The detailed calls description is available here:

Project team: Composed of at least four and maximum six Principal Investigators, i.e. partners, eligible to receive funding from the CHANSE and HERA/NORFACE funding organisations from four or more different countries participating in the call

Project duration: 24-36 months

Cap on funding for one international project: 1 500 000 EUR (across all partners)

Calls timeline:

  • Official calls announcement and launch of the submission system: May 26th, 2023
  • Deadline for outline proposals: September 21st, 2023, 14.00 CET
  • Deadline for invited full proposals: March 26th 2024, 14.00 CET
  • Call results: October/November 2024
  • Earliest funded project start: December 2024/March 2025

Countries participating in the calls:

Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Enhancing well-being for the future: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom


In order to facilitate the process of forming research consortia, we offer applicants a partner search tool available here: This tool can be used by projects looking for partners and partners looking for projects.  


Call Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities: crisis (at)

Call Enhancing well-being for the future: wellbeing (at)

Academic Environment to Request NCN Budget Increase

Fri, 05/26/2023 - 10:38
Kod CSS i JS

On Wednesday, 25 May 2023, 18 Chairs of international panels evaluating proposals under NCN calls requested that the Minister of Education and Science urgently increase funding for the National Science Centre. The signatories of the letter emphasised that “if the NCN budget is not increased regardless of high inflation and growing employment cost, in a long perspective Polish researchers will be deprived of any chance to compete on the international arena”.

For more information, go to the website of “Forum Akademickie”

Distribution of research funding was earlier discussed by the Council for Higher Education, Science and Innovation constituted by the President that concluded that the NCN budget must be absolutely increased.

Summary of the Council’s discussion can be found on the website of “Forum Akademickie”

Pre-Announcement of the T-AP DGT Call 2023

Thu, 05/25/2023 - 16:11
Kod CSS i JS

The Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities, an unprecedented collaboration between humanities and social science research funders from South America, North America, Europe and Africa, is pleased to announce a new call for international research proposals on Democracy, Governance and Trust (hereinafter: T-AP DGT Call 2023). The National Science Centre (hereinafter: NCN) will join the new T-AP Call as a Partner agency, funding successful Polish research teams with the amount of EUR 600k.

Scope of the call

The T-AP DGT Call 2023 will cover the following 9 themes:

  1. Concepts, understandings and models of democracy, governance and trust;
  2. Education; 
  3. Media, information and communication;
  4. Economies and economic systems;
  5. Identities, discrimination, marginalization and inequalities; 
  6. Ecosystems and environments; 
  7. Epistemologies, knowledge and expertise; 
  8. History and culture; 
  9. Power, authority and conflict.

Detailed scope of the Call will be published in the Call Announcement on the T-AP’s website.


Research proposals may be submitted by international consortia composed of at least 3 research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call from both sides of the Atlantic (e.g. Poland-Brazil-South Africa).

The following funding organizations intend to join the T-AP DGT Call 2023**

** Final decision pending

Tentative Timeline

Call announcement

15 June 2023

Deadline to submit compulsory Notice of Intent to apply form (NOI)

15 September 2023

Deadline to submit Full Proposal

6 November 2023

Notice of funding decision

June-August 2024

Successful projects start date

September 2024

The T-AP DGT Call is expected to be launched on 15th June 2023. Please note that this pre-announcement is for informational purposes only. It does not create any obligation for the T-AP nor for any of the participating funding organizations. All information provided in this pre-announcement is subject to change. The official call announcement will be published on the T-AP ( and NCN ( websites.

If you have any questions, please contact Call Secretariat: dgtcall (at)

or NCN’s Officer

POLONEZ BIS Call 3 Results

Wed, 05/24/2023 - 14:15
Kod CSS i JS

47 projects with a total budget of 48.1 million PLN will be carried out by researchers from all over the world. They will move to Poland under the POLONEZ BIS 3 call.

230 proposals were submitted to the recently concluded third call under the POLONEZ BIS Programme. Following the eligibility check and merit-based evaluation performed by international experts and reviewers, 47 projects were recommended for funding. The call’s success rate is 20.4%. The NCN will fund 23 (49%) projects in Physical Sciences and Engineering, 12 (25.5%) in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and 12 (25.5%) in Life Sciences.

Scientists awarded funding under the POLONEZ BIS 3 call will come to Poland from India, USA, United Kingdom, Italy, Singapore, Sweden, Israel, Estonia, Turkey, Czechia, Australia, etc.. The National Science Centre and the European Commission have allocated a total of 48.1 million PLN for projects funded under the call.

Ranking list

Ranking list (PDF)

Service of Decisions

On 24 May 2023, the funding decisions will be sent to the applicants whose proposals have been evaluated in the second stage of evaluation.

NCN Director's decisions  are served to the e-mail address provided in the proposal or to the Electronic Delivery Box (ESP ePUAP), if provided. .

A message sent from ncn.wnioski (at) contains a link from which the NCN Director’s decision can be downloaded. The message is generated automatically. Do not reply to this message. If you have any problems with accessing the document, please contact the POLONEZ BIS Team at polonez (at)

You can also see the status of your proposal in the OSF submission system.

The results of OPUS 24 and SONATA 18 are in!

Thu, 05/18/2023 - 15:00
Kod CSS i JS

Winners will receive a total of nearly 520 million PLN for basic research projects at the Polish research institutions. OPUS 24 and SONATA 18 calls concluded today attracted 3015 proposals, out of which 363 were recommended for funding.

OPUS is the most popular call in our call portfolio. It is targeted at a wide audience, placing no restrictions as to the career level, degree / title or research experience of the principal investigator.

OPUS is open to proposals for domestic research projects, projects conducted with foreign partners or with the use of large-scale international research equipment. This time OPUS was also open to funding proposals for research projects carried out in international collaboration pursuant to the Lead Agency Procedure within the framework of the Weave Programme. This track made it possible for research projects to be carried out in collaboration with the foreign research teams from Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg or Belgium-Flanders that submitted funding proposals to their respective research-funding agencies participating in the Weave Programme.

1921 proposals were submitted to the OPUS 24 call with a total budget of nearly 2.7 billion PLN. Funding was awarded to 224 projects, worth nearly 364.4 million. The success rate was 11.66%. 176 of the proposals submitted and 48 proposals recommended for funding involved international projects under the LAP Lead Agency Procedure. 

SONATA 18 is addressed at researchers who hold a PhD degree conferred 2 to 7 years before the proposal submission year; its objective is to support those at the outset of their careers in innovative research. This round of the call attracted 1094 proposals with a total budget of more than 1.2 billion PLN. In the end, funding was awarded to 139 projects worth more than 155.5 million PLN. The success rate was 12.79 %.

Important and Innovative Projects  

The winning proposals in OPUS 24 included many important and innovative projects. Wioleta Kucharska (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) will research agile learning culture’s key determinants and effects comparing Polish and Finnish systems. The project outcome may contribute to the maintenance of the organisation's innovation, competitiveness and resilience to the turbulent environment (e.g. COVID-19). Michał Jan Kawulok (Physical Sciences and Engineering) will pursue research to develop new super-resolution reconstruction methods that can be used in medical imaging or remote sensing, text recognition, detecting small objects, or segmenting some specific image regions (e.g. forests in satellite images or human skin in colour images), etc. Katarzyna Donskow-Łysoniewska (Life Sciences) with her research team will identify biomarkers which determine the response to the therapy in multiple sclerosis treatment with the use of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology. The project results will allow the development of an algorithm to model the response to currently used immunomodulatory drugs. 

The winners of SONATA 18 included Jacek Kwieciński (Physical Sciences and Engineering). The aim of his studies is to better understand the processes underlying valve degeneration, which would enable early identification of patients at risk. The aim of his project is to define an optimal target population that could derive the greatest benefit from the 18F-NaF-PET scan and to optimise 18FNaF-PET protocol. Karolina Kwaczyńska’s 3D-Dual-Sens project (Life Sciences) involves the development of a modern device for the detection and/or determination of narcotic substances such as fentanyl, codeine, amphetamine or methamphetamine. Karolina Kwaczyńska believes that there is a significant gap between primitive colorimetric tests, which suffer from a lack of selectivity, and advanced techniques such as mass spectrometry or chromatography implemented in specialized laboratory centres that will change colour upon contact with the analyte, and hence, will provide immediate information about the presence or absence of the selected chemical species which can be used, for example, to drug test drivers. Karolina Majewska-Guede (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) will research an alternative transnational cultural history of the People's Republic of Poland centred on the gendered labour history in the “Fajans” factory in Wrocław. She will develop, inter alia, the concepts of artistic work, collaboration and artistic knowledge (also by using artistic strategies such as painting, performance, and installation).

All projects recommended for funding under OPUS 24 and SONATA 18 as well as project descriptions for the general public are available on the website with the ranking lists.

Evaluation of Proposals 

Proposals submitted in response to the NCN calls are evaluated by the experts selected among outstanding Polish and foreign researchers who are at least PhD holders. The evaluation procedure consists of two stages. Each stage consists of at least two individual reviews of each proposal and an expert team meeting during which the reviews are discussed, and ranking lists of proposals recommended for funding compiled. A funding decision is taken by the NCN Director.

OPUS LAP proposals have been evaluated alongside other OPUS proposals by the same expert teams, with an additional evaluation of the research track record of principal investigators of the foreign research teams, performance of other research projects and evaluation whether the input of all research teams in the project was balanced and complementary.

The OPUS ranking lists do not include OPUS LAP proposals recommended for funding by the expert teams of the National Science Centre pending approval by the partner agencies. The projects will be added to the lists once we are notified by the partner agencies of their approvals. 

Service of Decision

Today, the funding decisions will be served concerning proposals recommended or not recommended for funding under OPUS 24 and SONATA 18. NCN decisions are served to the applicants in an electronic format to the e-mail address specified in the proposal. 

If the applicant is an entity described in Article 27 (1) – (7) and (9) of the NCN Act of 30 April 2010, the funding decision will be served to their Electronic Delivery Box (ePUAP) specified in the proposal. If an applicant who is a natural person indicates an ePUAP address in the proposal, the decision will be sent to that address. If an applicant who is a natural person fail to indicate the ePUAP address, the service of decisions will be carried out by means of sending – to their email address – information containing an electronic address from which the NCN Director’s decision may be downloaded.

The funding decisions of the NCN Director are additionally communicated to the principal investigator and if an applicant is a natural person, to the host institution for the project. 

In the absence of the decision, make sure that your electronic (ESP, ePUAP, e-mail) address specified in the proposal is correct and if incorrect address has been provided, contact the Program Officer in charge of the proposal specified in the OSF submission system.