POLS Info chat

Mon, 05/25/2020 - 10:05

Join our info chat on 28 May 2020 at 12.00 (CEST) during which we will answer your questions on the POLS call. The chat will be held in English and will last for one hour. It will be open to all researchers concerned. You can join the chat by clicking on https://ncn.clickmeeting.com/pols

The POLS call for research projects to be carried out by incoming researchers in Polish research institutions or enterprises is open till 16 June 2020, 4 p.m.


Nearly 668 million PLN for basic research under OPUS 18, PRELUDIUM 18, SONATA 15 and PRELUDIUM BIS

Mon, 05/18/2020 - 14:49

Once again, we are pleased to announce the results of three flagship calls for proposals: OPUS, PRELUDIUM and SONATA and for the first time, the results of the PRELUDIUM BIS call addressed to PhD students. Researchers submitted 4524 proposals, for a total of over 3.2 billion PLN, under the calls. Experts recommended 809 projects for funding, with a total value of 667 745 974 PLN, of which, on average, 18% will be funded.

The objective of the PRELUDIUM BIS scheme is to support PhD student education by funding scholarships and research projects conducted by researchers at the beginning of their research career as part of their PhD dissertation, as well as financing 3- to 6-month foreign fellowships to support young researcher mobility. Under the first edition of the call, which is co-launched by the NCN and the National Agency for Academic Exchange (the “NAWA”), 255 proposals were submitted, of which 96 were awarded funding of almost 47 million PLN. The funding will start in October 2020. 

"PRELUDIUM BIS is an elite track for PhD schools that provides an opportunity for stable funding over a period of 4 years during which PhD dissertation can be completed", says Professor Zbigniew Błocki, Director of the NCN, "We were surprised by how few proposals we had received in the first edition of the call as compared to what we had expected. Nevertheless, we are hoping to receive more and more proposals with the new editions of the call coming.”

The OPUS call for proposals is targeted at a wide range of researchers. There are no restrictions on the stage of their research career or research experience. The call has always attracted a lot of attention. The NCN received 2133 proposals for a total of almost 2.2 billion PLN. Following the evaluation procedure, 350 research projects were recommended for funding, totalling to 460 million PLN. Under the PRELUDIUM call for proposals, funding can be pursued by researchers who have not yet earned a PhD degree, while the subject of their project does not have to be related to the subject of their doctoral dissertation. Researchers submitted 1146 proposals for a total of nearly 170 million PLN to eighteenth edition of the call. 205 of them, with a total value of nearly 32 million PLN, were eventually recommended for funding. The SONATA call for proposals is addressed at researchers with a PhD degree conferred to them within 2 to 7 years before the proposal submission year. The purpose of the call is to support researchers at the beginning of their research career who intend to carry out innovative basic research projects using modern research facilities and/or original methodology. 990 proposals were submitted to the fifteenth edition of the call, for a total value of almost 730 million PLN. 158 projects were awarded funding for a total of almost 130 million PLN.

Today, we are sending the funding decisions for proposals that qualify for funding as well as those that do not qualify for funding under the calls. Decisions by the NCN Director in an electronic format are served to the applicant’s e-mail address specified in the proposal. In the case of proposals submitted by entities referred to in Article 27 (1) – (7) and (9) of the NCN Act, decisions by the NCN Director are served to the Electronic Correspondence Register (ESP ePUAP) address specified in the proposal. If natural persons - applicants/principal investigators specify their ePUAP address in the proposal for service of documents, decisions are served to that address. If natural persons - applicants/principal investigators do not specify their ePUAP address in the proposal for service of documents, decisions are served by way of a message with an electronic address sent to the address specified in the proposal, from which the decision by the NCN Director can be downloaded.

Funding decisions by the NCN Director are additionally forwarded to the principal investigator and, if the applicant is a natural person, to the host institution named in the proposal.

If no decision has been received, it is recommended to check whether the ESP (ePUAP) address specified in the proposal is correct and if the address is incorrect, contact the NCN Program Officer in charge of the proposal specified in the ZSUN/OSF system. 

The winning projects under OPUS 18, PRELUDIUM 18, SONATA 15 and PRELUDIUM BIS – ranking lists.



Thu, 05/14/2020 - 13:11

The EXPRESS CALL TO FUND RESEARCH ON COVID-19 announced at the end of March, has just been concluded. The objective of the call was to select projects that would enhance understanding of the mechanisms of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as improving diagnostic tests, finding new drugs and mitigating the social and economic effects of the pandemic. Although it was an express call, the highest evaluation standards were adhered to. Researchers had only 2 weeks to submit their proposals and the two-stage evaluation was performed in just a month. Regardless of this short deadline for submitting proposals, the call attracted a lot attention – which is why it was decided to increase the original budget of PLN 10,000,000. Researchers submitted 262 proposals for a total amount of over PLN 140,000,000, of which 259 proposals were submitted for merit-based evaluation. Funding of over PLN 12,000,000 was awarded to 19 research projects, of which 12 are research projects in Life Sciences, 4 in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and 3 in Physical Sciences and Engineering. You can read more on the conclusion of the Express call to fund research on Covid-19 in the letter of the NCN Management and Council.

The ranking list is available here.


Polish teams among the winners of the international NORFACE Governance Call

Wed, 05/13/2020 - 09:58

We are pleased to announce that four projects involving Polish researchers have been awarded funding in the NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe) call for proposals. Within the call entitled Democratic governance in a turbulent age  over EUR 17,8 million have been granted to 14 research projects.

Polish projects awarded within the call:

CrimScapes: CrimScapes: Navigating citizenship through European landscapes of criminalisation. Polish Principal Investigator: dr Agata Dziuban, Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The project will involve research teams from Finland, France and Germany.

UNDPOLAR: Threat, identity, and dissent: Understanding and addressing political polarization in European democracies. Polish Principal Investigator: dr Marta Marchlewska, Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The project will involve research teams from Belgium, France, Spain, Netherlands and United Kingdom.

THREATPIE: The Threats and Potentials of a Changing Political Information Environment. Polish Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Stępińska, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The project will involve research teams from Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, Netherlands, Germany and United Kingdom.

POPBACK: Populist Backlash, Democratic Backsliding and the Crisies of the Rule of Law in the European Union. Polish Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Barbara Maria Błaszczyk, Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences. The project will involve research teams from z Austria, Germany, Slovenia and United Kingdom.

More information and the full list of the projects recommended for funding are available on the NORFACE web page.

Congratulations to all the laureates!

We are announcing the ALPHORN–COVID-19 call for Polish-Swiss research projects on COVID-19

Thu, 04/30/2020 - 17:58

We are announcing the ALPHORN–COVID-19 international bilateral call for Polish-Swiss research projects on COVID-19. The call is organised in cooperation with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

See the call announcement 

Under the ALPHORN-COVID-19 call, funding will be provided to high-quality ground-breaking research projects on COVID-19, to be carried out jointly by research teams from Poland and Switzerland (bilateral projects), and Polish-Swiss research teams, in cooperation with research teams from one of the following countries: Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Luxembourg and South Tyrol (trilateral project).

The call is organised pursuant to the Lead Agency Procedure. The SNSF will act as the Lead Agency in charge of merit-based evaluation of proposals under the SNSF National Research Programme NRP 78 – COVID-19.

PLN 4 million has been allocated to fund research by the Polish research teams. Funds awarded under the call may be designated to cover remuneration for the research team, scholarships for students or PhD students, purchase or manufacturing of research equipment and for other costs indispensable for research. The principal investigator of the Polish research team must be at least a PhD holder. Research projects can be carried out over a period of 24 months.

Joint proposals drafted in compliance with the requirements of the SNSF must be submitted by the Swiss research teams via SNSF’s electronic submission system mySNSF by 25 May 2020, 5 p.m., while Polish research teams must submit NCN proposals to ZSUN/OSF by 26 May 2020, 4 p.m. NCN proposals must include joint proposals identical to the proposals submitted to the SNSF.

Furthermore, in the case of trilateral projects, each research team involved in the project must submit a funding proposal to the competent research funding institution according to its requirements.

The results will be announced by the end of October 2020. 

Contact persons:

  • Dr Aneta Pazik, Coordinator for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, e-mail:  aneta.pazik@ncn.gov.pl
  • Dr Jadwiga Spyrka, Coordinator for Life Sciences, e -mail: jadwiga.spyrka@ncn.gov.pl
  • Dr Anna Wieczorek, Coordinator for Physical Sciences and Engineering, e-mail:  anna.wieczorek@ncn.gov.pl

General affairs:


We now know the results of the GRIEG call for Polish-Norwegian research projects

Mon, 04/27/2020 - 13:13

The National Science Centre has concluded the GRIEG call co-funded from Norway grants. Over PLN 156 million will be awarded to Polish-Norwegian research teams to fund basic research. 

Over 305 proposals were submitted under the call for a total of over PLN 1.6 billion. Experts recommended 28 of them for funding: 12 in Physical Sciences and Engineering (ST), 8 in Life Sciences (NZ) and 8 in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (HS). Research teams will be awarded a total of PLN 156,015,144, of which 85% will be funded under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 and 15% from domestic funds. GRIEG covers all academic disciplines defined in the NCN panels, with particular focus on polar research and social sciences. The ranking lists of projects recommended for funding include 6 projects in polar sciences and eight in social sciences. 

Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism we must fund projects in polar research and social sciences. However, the Programme Committee decided not to award additional points to projects submitted in those disciplines, which is why good performance of research teams from these areas in fair competition with teams from other areas should be particularly appreciated” says Professor Zbigniew Błocki, NCN Director.

The proposals were evaluated by international expert panels. Three expert panels were appointed for each research domain (HS, NZ, ST), with researchers from Poland and Norway not permitted to evaluate the proposals. Each research project was evaluated by three experts. The final list of the winning projects was approved by the “Basic Research” Programme Committee and the funding decision was issued by the NCN Director.

GRIEG is a call for research projects carried out jointly by research teams from Poland and Norway. Research teams must include at least one Polish partner acting as the partnership leader and at least one Norwegian partner. The principal investigator for a project carried out under the GRIEG call must be at least a PhD holder employed by a Polish research institution, whereas the leader of the Norwegian part of the research team must be a research organisation. Partnerships may include research organisations, enterprises and non-governmental organisations. Under the GRIEG call for proposals, projects must be carried out over either 24 or 36 months.

GRIEG is one of the three calls for proposals funded under the third edition of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 under the “Research” Programme, with NCN acting as the Programme Operator in charge of basic research. The aim of the “Research” Programme with an allocated budget of more than EUR 129 million is to support Polish research and enhance cooperation between science, business and society. 40% of the funds is designated to support basic research.

List of projects qualified for funding

We now have the results of the IdeaLab call

Wed, 04/22/2020 - 11:43

The National Science Centre (NCN) has published the results of the call for interdisciplinary ground-breaking research projects to be carried out by Polish researchers in collaboration with researchers from countries of the European Economic Area. Research teams will be provided with almost PLN 17.5 M for their research.

Under the financed projects, Polish researchers in collaboration with their partners from Norway will carry out research on threats facing European societies. The team of researchers from the Jagiellonian University, the Jerzy Maj Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), the University of Oslo and the Poznań University of Technology will conduct research on mechanisms and resilience to fake news in cyber space. Researchers from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in collaboration with researchers from the University of Warsaw, the Center for International Climate Research, Oslo and the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, will work on developing a transdisciplinary methodology in research on climate change. A research team from the PAN Institute of Psychology, jointly with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology and the University of Warsaw, will carry out research on how multisensory virtual experience affects actual pro-environmental behaviour.

The IdeaLab call was carried out in compliance with the “sandpit” formula developed by UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and used by the Research Council of Norway under the name of Idélab. The subject of the IdeaLab call organised by NCN is “Managing Threats”, which covers challenges arising from the complex processes of our times, such as globalisation, technological change, issues of environment and climate change, demographic change, major waves of migration, geopolitical instability and many others, which bring with them uncertainties (implying threats and, in some cases, opportunities) that European societies have to face.

“IdeaLab is the first call carried out by NCN using the “sandpit” formula, which as an important element includes workshops during which researchers from various countries will develop ideas that will then be subject to merit-based evaluation. The methodology proposed during the workshops indeed supports the development of interesting concepts of research projects concerning the challenges facing the world today”, says Prof. Małgorzata Kossowska, President of the NCN Council

The IdeaLab call consisted of three stages: At the first stage, researchers from Poland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway applied to NCN to be involved in IdeaLab workshops. Overall, NCN received 205 proposals, of which 201 were forwarded for scientific review. The proposals were reviewed by an international team composed of experts representing various research domains and having experience in the evaluation and implementation of projects under the “sandpit” type calls. Thirty-four candidates were invited to participate in workshops. At the second stage, a workshop was held during which the participants set up research teams that worked on project ideas corresponding to the subject of the call. At the closing of the workshop, eight teams submitted their research ideas. On the last day, the teams presented their research project ideas to the expert team. The developed ideas were subject to individual and team reviews by experts. The review resulted in a ranking list of the submitted projects. At the third stage, four research teams submitted their full proposals in the ZSUN/OSF system, which basically covered descriptions of their research ideas developed during the workshop. The expert team reviewed the consistency of those proposals with the ideas submitted during the workshop and the recommendations of the expert team made at the second stage. Afterwards, a list of projects recommended for funding was approved by the “Basic Research” Programme Committee.

The research teams will be awarded a total of PLN 17,498,734 for their research work. The principal investigators may be researchers affiliated with Polish research institutions, who are at least PhD holders.

NCN is the operator of the IdeaLab programme, carried out jointly with the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The objective of the programme is strengthening research cooperation between Poland and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and enhanced research based knowledge development. More information on the programmes launched by NCN, financed with EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 is available here.

The ranking list in the IdeaLab call can be found here.

Contact Person:


Changes to the terms of the CEUS-UNISONO call in relation to the launch of the FWF Urgent Funding for Research Into Humanitarian Crises like Epidemics and Pandemics

Thu, 04/09/2020 - 13:16

We wish to inform you that the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has now launched a fast-track merit-based evaluation of research proposals on crises like epidemics or pandemics (FWF Urgent Funding for Research Into Humanitarian Crises like Epidemics and Pandemics), submitted to the FWF between 6 April and 15 December 2020 in all academic disciplines. The merit-based evaluation of funding proposals at the FWF will now be shortened to just a few weeks.

For Polish researchers who submit NCN proposals under the CEUS-UNISONO call, along with a joint proposal for the funding of research projects devoted to the subject submitted to the FWF as the lead agency under the Stand-Alone Projects programme, this means that:

  1. joint proposals will undergo a merit-based evaluation at the FWF (the lead agency) within just a few weeks from submission, which will accordingly speed up the decision of the NCN to award funding to the Polish part of the project;
  2. where the joint proposal is submitted to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as the lead agency in the Stand-Alone Projects programme under the "FWF Urgent Funding for Research Into Humanitarian Crises like Epidemics and Pandemics" track, NCN proposals submitted under the CEUS-UNISONO call are exempt from the restrictions outlined in Chapter III § 10 of the Regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration pursuant to the Lead Agency Procedure, adopted pursuant to the NCN Council Resolution No 34/2020 of 2 April 2020;
  3. in the case of projects submitted under other NCN calls, the restrictions specified in Chapter III § 8 of the Regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration pursuant to the Lead Agency Procedure do not apply to proposals submitted under the CEUS-UNISONO call or projects to be funded under the CEUS-UNISONO call as long as the joint proposal submitted to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as the lead agency of the Stand-Alone Projects programme is devoted to crises like epidemics or pandemics covered by the fast-track merit-based evaluation ("FWF Urgent Funding for Research Into Humanitarian Crises like Epidemics and Pandemics");
  4. funding is available for research projects on crises like epidemics or pandemics, to be carried out in cooperation between research teams from Austria and Poland (bilateral projects), as well as between Austria and Poland and the Czech Republic or Slovenia (trilateral projects);
  5. in addition, funding can be awarded to projects devoted to crises like epidemics or pandemics, to be carried out in cooperation between research teams from Poland and Austria, with the participation of research teams from Germany or Switzerland or Luxembourg, which apply for funding of such research to their competent foreign research funding institutions, i.e. the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), or the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), within the framework of bilateral or multilateral programmes launched by the FWF in cooperation with these bodies pursuant to the Lead Agency Procedure;
  6. for projects that also involve research teams from Germany, Switzerland or Luxembourg:
  • the role of these teams needs to be described in the NCN proposal submitted through the ZSUN/OSF system in the “Współpraca międzynarodowa” [“International cooperation"] section; it is necessary to specify the country (i.e. Germany or Switzerland or Luxembourg), as well as the name of the foreign research institution with which a given team is affiliated;
  • the share of budgets planned by individual research teams in the total budget specified in the joint proposal must be proportional. Since only the FWF can act as the lead agency for such proposals, they are not subject to the principles governing the choice of lead agency, as laid down in section 1(7) of the NCN Resolution No 38/2020 of 8 April 2020 on the terms of the international CEUS-UNISONO call for research projects carried out as multilateral collaboration under the CEUS programme pursuant to the Lead Agency Procedure. The comparative CEUS cost sheet does not need to be filled out for these projects.


Topics of the next CHIST-ERA Call announced

Wed, 04/01/2020 - 14:11

In the CHIST-ERA Call 2020, to be published in the 2nd semester of 2020, two new and emerging research topics are addressed, namely:

  • Advanced Brain-Computer Interfaces for Novel Interactions ,
  • Towards Sustainable ICT.

In preparation for the Call 2020, the national and regional research funding organisations of CHIST-ERA invite the researchers to participate in the definition of the call at the CHIST-ERA Conference 2020, which will take place in Bratislava (Slovakia) in the 2nd half of 2020 (dates TBA).

This event creates an excellent opportunity for the scientific community to directly participate in scoping the call topics content and exchanging their views on the future of the domains with their peers.

Detailed information can be found in CHIS-ERA flyer, as well as on the CHIST-ERA website.

Contact :

National Science Centre, Poland