Topics of the CHIST-ERA Call 2018

Tue, 03/13/2018 - 10:36

The CHIST-ERA Network has defined initial topics for the Call for proposals that will be announced in October 2018:

  • Analog Computing for Artificial Intelligence
  • Intelligent Computation for Dynamic Networked Environments

The general topics will be further developed  during the CHIST-ERA Conference 2018 in Helsinki, June 19-21 which will bring together scientists and CHIST-ERA representatives in order to identify and formulate promising scientific and technological challenges at the frontier of research with a view to refine the scientific content of the Call. The conference is open to the research community.

For details please see the programme website.

Please note that this announcement is for information purposes only. It does not create any obligation for the CHIST-ERA consortium nor for any of the participating funding organisations. The official call announcement, to be published later, shall prevail.

NCN contact:

  • dr Jakub Gadek, tel. +48 12 341 9152
  • Marlena Wosiak, tel. +48 12 341 9093

Researchers choose to be active: summary of the MINIATURA 1 call

Thu, 02/22/2018 - 14:11

The NCN’s first MINIATURA call for single research activities instrumental in basic research has attracted a truly massive response. In the recently concluded programme, funding was granted to 828 researchers, the resources allocated reaching the sum of € 7 million. The initiative sought to support the researchers who have had no experience as beneficiaries of the NCN’s grant system.

The MINIATURA funding opportunity is addressed to holders of a doctorate degree that has been obtained within 12 years of submitting the proposal, who have not acted as principal investigator to a research project, and have not been NCN-grantees. A prospective candidate in the call must be employed by the host institution applying for the grant.

Research activities in the MINIATURA 1 would be funded with sums from ca € 1,200 to ca € 12,000, and their duration cannot exceed 12 months. Salaries for researchers, scholarships or funding the purchase of research equipment were not covered by the funding in this scheme. Eligible for funding were only actions instrumental in the completion of basic research, such as pilot or preliminary studies, research travels and conferences, library surveys, fellowships or consultations.

We are happy about the large response to the MINIATURA 1 call. Unfortunately, contrary to our expectations, the programme fell somewhat short of its intended role, i.e. that of support and encouragement to researchers from smaller research centres. In MINIATURA, just as in our other calls, we have seen the dominance of the centres from the provinces of Masovia, Lesser Poland and Greater Poland. Of course, we are happy that the list of the host institutions that have carried off the largest number of “small grants” includes also universities from Olsztyn or Lublin, said professor Zbigniew Błocki, director of the NCN.

Initially the resolution by the Council of the NCN of 10th November 2016 set the budget of the call at ca € 4.64 million. Since the demand proved to be much higher than expected, in October 2017 the Council decided to increase funding by ca € 2.32 million. This notwithstanding, in one month nearly 70 % of the total of ca € 7 million was committed, while the sum called for in the pending applications was manifold in excess of the remaining resources of MINIATURA 1. This prompted the decision to discontinue the call earlier than initially planned, i.e. on 10th November.

The scale of participation in the MINIATURA 1 call has outpaced our expectations. While it shows that with this initiative we have responded to a real demand on the part of the research community, we can also see the need for improvements, since our primary objective is to encourage universities from the regions so far underrepresented in NCN calls to step up their participation and win more grants. Owing to an earlier conclusion of the call, we do not intend to introduce any substantial changes to the MINIATURA 2 programme. Nevertheless, the Council of the NCN has worked for a good time now on significant modifications to the terms of the call, which we mean to apply to MINIATURA’s third edition, said prof. Janusz Janeczek, the Chair of the Council of the NCN.

It is believed that such a massive response to the call was caused in no small degree by a number of improvements in the simplified call procedure and evaluation of proposals. New features of the MINIATURA call included: a continuous call mode, an abbreviated review procedure thanks to which an applicant can receive a funding decision within three months of submitting the application, and the replacement of the customary grant agreements with the General Terms of the Contract, annexed by the applicant to the proposal. These solutions, as well as the replacement of paper proposals with digital-only policy, served to significantly shorten the time of the funding procedure.

Since the publication of the call on 4th March 2017 until its conclusion on 10th November 2017 as many as 2,120 proposals were sent to the NCN. 828 of those were recommended for funding, which accounts for 39% of all applications. Laureates of the MINIATURA most often requested funding for preliminary research (520 proposals). The second most popular application type was for pilot studies (87 proposals); 56 applicants requested funding for their research travels, 45 – conferences, and 35 – library surveys. The applicant institutions with the largest number of “small grants” were the Jagiellonian University (51), the University of Lodz (39) and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (37).

The launch of MINIATURA’s second edition is planned for April 2018.

The NCN to contribute over € 75 million to basic research

Thu, 02/15/2018 - 00:00

The National Science Centre has concluded the SONATA 13, SONATA BIS 7, MAESTRO 9 and HARMONIA 9 calls for proposals. A total of € 75,717,281 has been awarded to researchers at the beginning of their career as independent scholars, as well as to researchers forming research teams and to those who work on groundbreaking projects.

The calls have seen submissions of 1,234 research projects, of which 301 have been recommended for funding. The success rate for SONATA, SONATA BIS and HARMONIA has been 25%. Selection under the MAESTRO call was more restrictive, with funding granted to 13% of the submitted projects.

MAESTRO 9, SONATA 13, SONATA BIS 7 and HARMONIA 9 are the first funding opportunities to which cost eligibility modifications shall apply.

We want to meet the needs of the research community and gradually introduce improvements in the process of implementing research projects. That is why, starting from the calls concluded today, the costs incurred in the project will qualify as eligible from the day the funding decision becomes fully valid, in contrast to the former arrangement where eligibility started from the day the funding agreement was signed, said prof. Zbigniew Błocki, director of the NCN.Since we continuously seek to create a fully modern grant system, we have adopted a number of other changes facilitating the procedure of submitting proposals and the implementation of projects.

SONATA 13 is a funding opportunity for holders of a doctorate degree awarded within 2 to 7 years of applying. Its objective is to support researchers embarking on an independent research career in conducting innovative research using state-of-the-art equipment and original methodologies. Under the recent edition, 607 projects have been submitted, of which 151 have been selected for funding. The projects will receive a total sum of nearly € 21.57 million. One of the awarded projects is a study by dr Ireneusz Sadowski of the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. Titled Three Generations of Poland’s Transformation and supported with funding of € 92,770, the project will analyse social transformations using a cohort perspective.

SONATA BIS 7 is a call for research projects seeking to establish new research teams. Eligible principal investigators of the newly established groups are those who have been awarded a doctorate within 5 to 12 years before the year of grant application. Funding of more than € 35.9 million will be distributed among 86 of the 388 submitted projects. One of the new teams established under the SONATA BIS 7 scheme will be headed by dr Monika Dering of the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences. The researchers will attempt a reconstruction of the evolutionary history of forests in the Caucasus. The project, which will include a comparative phylogeographic study of six tree species, will receive € 324,698.

MAESTRO 9 is addressed to advanced researchers willing to carry out groundbreaking research, surpassing the current state of the art. A principal investigator in a MAESTRO project may be a researcher with publications in quality scientific journals, having served as principal investigator to other research projects financed on a competitive basis, who is active in the research community, e.g. in scientific committees of international conferences or international associations. In the 9th edition of the call, funding has been awarded to 11 out of the 87 submitted projects. The budget will exceed € 9 million. Among the eminent researchers awarded in MAESTRO is dr hab. Marcin Nowotny of the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. His structural investigations of the mechanism of bacterial DNA repair will be supported with nearly € 1 million.

Proposals submitted under the HARMONIA 9 call have provided for research projects carried out in international cooperation: in direct collaboration with a partner from abroad as well as under international programmes for bi- and multilateral endeavours; also eligible were projects carried out by Polish research teams using large-scale international research infrastructure. HARMONIA’s ninth edition has seen the submission of 202 projects, of which 53 will be granted funding worth almost € 9.28 million. The winning proposals include a project by a team led by dr Mikołaj Winiewski of the University of Warsaw. The Polish researchers will join forces with their German colleagues at the Bielefeld University, investigating the sources of negative stereotypes of groups perceived as hostile. The study will feature a comparison of Polish and German anti-Roma and anti-Semitic prejudices. The research will have the budget of ca € 232 thousand.

Ranking lists of all projects recommended for funding under the SONATA 13, SONATA BIS 7, MAESTRO 9 and HARMONIA 9 calls are available on the National Science Centre’s website.

QuantERA Projects' Launch Event in Bucharest, Romania

Tue, 02/13/2018 - 13:50

The launch of the projects funded within the QuantERA Call 2017 will be officially celebrated at the Projects’ Launch Event in Bucharest, Romania.

The event will take place on:

  • 24th April – OPEN DAY (registration required)
  • 25th April – Parties involved in the QuantERA Programme only

The first day of the event (Tuesday, 24th April) will be open to all interested parties, including the QuantERA Strategic Advisory Board, representatives of the European Commission, Research Funding Agencies and other stakeholders. It will be an excellent opportunity to meet the Coordinators of the QuantERA-funded projects, learn about their research goals and activities, take part in two panel discussions, networking and much more!

If you are interested in joining us during the QuantERA Projects’ Launch Event please fill in the registration form available here. The registration will be open until the end of February. Your participation will be subject to place availability and will be confirmed by the organizers.

Please note that the second day of the event will be dedicated exclusively to parties directly involved in the QuantERA programme, and is not open to general public.

The agenda of the first day of the event


The NCN to facilitate its grant procedures: an explanation

Tue, 02/13/2018 - 12:51

In response to the demands voiced by the research community, the National Science Centre has decided to unify some of its terms and conditions regarding implementing research projects, regardless of the call edition in which a given project has been approved for funding. We are presenting a detailed explanation of the improvements that have been introduced.Letter of explanation

The institutions hosting projects will receive letters explaining the scope and conditions of the eligible modifications to grant agreements. These will be sent to their ePUAP accounts or by regular mail. Principal investigators will be notified of same by email.

Introducing modifications to the implementation of projects in the manner described in the letter is possible from 1st February 2018.

Polish researchers awarded in the 3rd ERA-CAPS Call

Thu, 02/08/2018 - 11:36

We are pleased to announce that the V-Morph project, involving researchers from Poland, has been awarded funding within the 3rd ERA-CAPS Call for proposals. The Polish team, led by prof. Dorota Monika Kwiatkowska from the Faculty of Biology and Environment Protection of the University of Silesia in Katowice, will cooperate with researchers from France and Germany. The project will be coordinated by prof. Arezki Boudaoud from École normale supérieure de Lyon (France).

The V-Morph project aims to:

  • analyse spatial and temporal variability in sepal morphogenesis at all scales, considering growth and its effectors,
  • identify and characterise genes that regulate variability, by performing a directed screen among mutants affecting the cell wall, plant hydraulics, and mechanosensing,
  • integrate the corresponding mechanisms in mechanical models of growth and test these models experimentally, notably by local mechanical and genetic perturbations to sepals.

The 3rd ERA-CAPS Call granted funding to 12 transnational projects involving 50 research teams (5 of which are self-funded) from 10 different countries:

List of projects recommended for funding in the 3rd ERA-CAPS Call


NCN and NCBR to intensify cooperation

Wed, 02/07/2018 - 14:54

On January 31st the National Science Centre (NCN) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) signed an agreement of cooperation with a view to harnessing the potential of Poland’s scientific community, so that achievements by Polish researchers can play an ever larger role in the country’s economic and social growth.

– In cooperation with the entire academic community, we have designed a reform that will unleash the full potential of the science work carried out in Poland, offering more opportunities for the results of the researchers’ work to be employed for Poland’s social and economic benefit. At the same time, we have already been using all means available to provide the best conditions for research, both basic and applied. The agreement signed today by the NCBR and the NCN is another step towards the improvement of the public funding mechanisms that benefit Polish science and the economy, said Jarosław Gowin, minister of science and higher education.

Where theory meets practice

The NCBR and the NCN are executive agencies for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education that address targets related to economic and social development using the results of research. The NCN’s mission is to support endeavours in basic research, i.e. experimental or theoretical work, whereas the NCBR’s task is to assist Polish research units and businesses in practical applications of their research. While the two agencies have already collaborated with each other, among others on the TANGO programme, the agreement signed on Wednesday will further stimulate the cooperation, thanks, in particular, to joint funding instruments and support in implementing common research projects.

Objectives of the TANGO programme

The TANGO programme builds a bridge towards linking basic research with applied and industrial research, thus generating new opportunities for the practical use of scientists’ results. It is free from thematic bias, which enables the operators to choose the best projects from various domains.

In the two TANGO funding opportunities concluded to date (editions in 2013 and 2015), 76 projects have received funding worth more than € 14.84 million. The programme’s third edition will be announced towards the end of March 2018. Its budget will exceed € 9.27 million, and the funding of up to € 46,385 will be available to research units, research centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as universities and individual researchers. The funding may amount to 100 per cent of a project’s cost.

The programme will admit only proposals drawing on the results of research projects that have been under way for at least a year or ones that have been completed, and funded under one of the NCN’s own funding schemes: OPUS, PRELUDIUM, SONATINA, SONATA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA, MAESTRO, SYMFONIA or POLONEZ.

This year’s edition of the call introduces a new feature, allowing for submissions on a continuous basis, starting from the publication of the call.

Projects supported

Owing to the ministerial agencies’ support, scientists carry out research into, among others, the following: the technology of printing organic electroluminescent diodes, the introduction of cryopreservation of sperm to programmes improving the farming of fish of the salmonidae family, the use of Adaptive Impact Absorption (AIA) for aviation and space engineering, the technology of biotisation for commercial ecological berry breeding, the introduction of the hydrological hazard early warning system HydroProg, the delta-type parallel manipulator with pneumatic artificial muscles, and the innovative technology of purifying aquatic environments. The cooperation of research units on the implementation and commercialisation of their results is among the chief objectives in the reform prepared by the Ministry, whose tenets have been presented by minister Jarosław Gowin in the Constitution for Science document.

Webinars for JPI Urban Europe & NFSC call applicants

Tue, 02/06/2018 - 12:35

JPI Urban Europe network, whose aim is to finance international, interdisciplinary research projects that respond to the challenges of modern cities and urban areas, together with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) invite all possible applicants to the info webinars referring to the call Sustainable and Liveable Cities and Urban Areas.

The call will be presented by representatives from the call secretariat and the participating funding agencies. At the end there will be a Q&A session and the opportunity for applicants to present and pitch their idea for a project.

More information about the call

JPI AMR Call 2018: Partner Search Tool

Mon, 02/05/2018 - 14:50

Researchers and institutions looking for partners in the JPI AMR Call 2018 on antimicrobial resistance are kindly invited to register in the Partner Search Tool and complete an online form. The expressions of interest registered in the tool will be available on the same website.

More information about the Call: on the NCN website and on the JPI AMR website.


JPI Urban Europe & Chinese NSFC call open

Thu, 02/01/2018 - 14:41

NCN together with JPI Urban Europe network and Chinese funding agency NSFC is pleased to announce a new call on Sustainable Urbanisation in the Context of Economic Transformation and Climate Change: Sustainable and Liveable Cities and Urban Areas.

Call topics

  1. Climate change and new urban economies
  2. Transformation of energy systems and strengthen urban circular economies
  3. Urban public administration and services innovation
  4. Urban data management

Funding is available for international research projects that involve at least two research teams from two different European eligible countries and two (and maximum three) Chinese partners.

Countries participating in the call:

Austria, Belgium, China, France, Latvia, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, UK

Call timetable:

  • 12 April 2018 – deadline for pre-registration
  • 20 June 2018 – deadline for full proposals
  • December 2018 – call results

One joint proposal document (in English, and following the provided template) shall be prepared by the project participants of a joint transnational proposal, and must be submitted to the Call Secretariat by the coordinator.

Call documentation

More information:

Information for Polish applicants:

  1. On the full proposal stage Polish applicants must register their applications in the OSF submission system (UNISONO application). This application includes the following budget table.
  2. We strongly encourage all applicants to read information on eligible costs included in the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO, p. 5-12).
  3. If one international project includes partners from two different Polish Host Institutions, these institutions must apply as a consortium. Each Host Institution comprising the consortium has a separate budget, but the limit on the remuneration applies to the consortium as a whole (UNISONO, p. 8-9: item 2.1.2 a) and b)).
  4. Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the OSF system should be given in PLN (1 EUR= 4,2308 PLN).
