Weave-UNISONO call for proposals: closure of the call for proposals with the Flemish FWO, Czech GAČR and Swiss SNSF acting as the lead agencies

Mon, 03/18/2024 - 10:50
Kod CSS i JS

Please note that the call for proposals at the Flemish agency FWO ends on 2 April 2024 while the call at the Czech GAČR and Swiss SNSF agencies acting as the lead agencies ends on 3 April 2024.

If a joint proposal is submitted to the Flemish FWO acting as the lead agency, an NCN proposal must be submitted electronically via the OSF submission system as soon as possible, by 9 April 2024, 11:59 p.m. at the latest.

If a joint proposal is submitted to the SNSF or GAČR acting as the lead agency, an NCN proposal must be submitted electronically via the OSF submission system as soon as possible, by 10 April 2024, 11:59 p.m. at the latest.

Once the work on an NCN proposal has started in the OSF submission system, the Polish research team will have 45 calendar days to complete the proposal and submit it to the NCN. After that, the proposal will be blocked for editing, in which case the Polish research team that has not sent its proposal to the NCN will have to draft a new proposal and complete it in the OSF submission system.

Spring NCN calls

Fri, 03/15/2024 - 13:00
Kod CSS i JS

Proposals are now being accepted under OPUS 27, our call for researchers at all career levels, and PRELUDIUM 23, for pre-PhD researchers. The total budget of the two calls is 490 million zlotys and proposals may be submitted until mid-June.

Under the new calls, researchers can apply for grants to fund basic research projects in any scientific discipline.

Of all NCN calls, OPUS has the broadest formula: it is open to researchers at all career levels, including those who have not yet earned a PhD degree. The applicants must demonstrate a track record of at least one paper published or accepted for publication or, for research in art, at least one artistic achievement or achievement in research in art.

OPUS 27 grants can be used to fund projects with or without the partnership of foreign institutions, as well as those that require the use of large international research equipment. The spring iteration of the OPUS call does not include the lead agency procedure (LAP).

OPUS projects may take 12, 24, 36 or 48 months and involve post-docs and senior researchers, as well as students and PhD candidates. Funds from the project budget may be used for the purchase of research equipment, devices and software, materials and small equipment, outsourced services, business trips, visits and consultations, as well as compensation for collective investigators. Although there is no upper limit of funding available to a project, the budget must be compliant with the call terms, and the costs must be reasonable and crucial to the project.

PRELUDIUM 23 is targeted at researchers without a PhD degree. Grants can go toward funding projects to be carried out at Polish host institutions over 12, 24 or 36 months, with budgets of up to PLN 70,000, 140,000 or 210,000, respectively. The subject matter of the project may, but does not need to, be related to the subject of the doctoral dissertation.

The PRELUDIUM project team may consist of up to three members, including the PI and the mentor. The project budget may go toward funding the salary of the research team members (except the mentor), research equipment, software and devices, materials and small equipment, outsourced services, business trips, visits and consultations, as well as compensation for collective investigators and other necessary costs crucial to the project provided that they are in line with the Types of costs in research projects funded by the NCN.

More funding available

The total budget of OPUS 27 to be distributed among successful applicants is 450 million zlotys and that of PRELUDIUM 23 – 40 million.

“This is the first time in a while that the budgets are higher than in previous iterations. This is thanks to the announcement made by Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek that the NCN will receive an additional subsidy of 200 million zlotys before the end of this year”, said Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwiak, Director of the National Science Centre.

The Minister of Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, announced his decision to provide the National Science Centre with additional resources to fund research projects at a press conference on 14 February. 

“This is a step in the right direction; it will allow us to fund more valuable projects and, in the long run, boost the competitive edge of Polish science in the international arena”, Prof. Jóźwiak emphasised, “I am hopeful that, thanks to these higher budgets, the success rates in OPUS 27 and PRELUDIUM 23 will also go up significantly”, he added.

Evaluation procedure and call results

OPUS 27 and PRELUDIUM 23 proposals may be submitted until Monday, 17 June, via the OSF system.

Proposals may be submitted by universities, research institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institutes, scientific and industrial centres, research centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences, scientific libraries, companies and legal entities with registered offices in Poland. Individuals who are not employed at any institution may also apply as long as they are going to be employed from the grant resources.

OPUS and PRELUDIUM proposals are evaluated by Expert Teams set up for each panel (e.g. HS1, NZ1, ST1). Merit-based evaluation consists of two stages: first, the proposals are evaluated by experts appointed to the Expert Team by the NCN Council, and then evaluated by external reviewers. Both at stage 1 and 2, the final decision is agreed on by the Expert Team as a whole, based on individual evaluations made by experts and reviewers, following a team discussion.

Call results will be published once the evaluation procedure has concluded, at the latest in December 2024.

In all OPUS calls organised thus far, 9970 proposals were awarded a total of more than 7.7 billion zlotys in funding. For PRELUDIUM, the corresponding figures are 6847 and 840.4 million, respectively. NCN project database.

OPUS 27 call text

PRELUDIUM 23 call text

In search of better rheumatoid arthritis therapies

Principal Investigator :
Dr Tomasz Kantyka
Jagiellonian University

Panel: NZ1

Funding scheme : GRIEG
announced on 17 czerwca 2019 r.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterised by joint inflammation, which leads to limited functionality and disability. Several studies indicate citrullination, an enzymatic modification of proteins catalysed by the peptidyl arginine deiminase (PAD) family, as a significant factor in the development of RA. Unfortunately, fundamental aspects related to citrullination and PAD enzyme biology remain unclear. Our project aims to describe the biological mechanisms of PAD activation, using biochemical techniques, cell lines and analysing samples from RA patients. Dr Tomasz Kantyka, photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr Tomasz Kantyka, photo by Michał Łepecki

A characteristic feature of RA is the influx of immune cells into the joints, including neutrophils and macrophages, accompanied by lymphocytes. Neutrophils drive the inflammatory process and tissue destruction, while lymphocytes recognise newly-formed citrullinated proteins and produce antibodies attacking the patient's own proteins. A significant group of these antibodies are anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs), targeting citrullinated proteins such as those building cartilage, metabolic enzymes and nuclear proteins. ACPAs can be detected even before clinical symptoms appear, and their levels are associated with joint destruction progression.

Citrullination is a modification of proteins where the positively charged arginine chain is modified to neutral citrulline, a critical step for ACPA formation as these modified sequences often serve as neoepitopes, attacked by the immune system. The group of enzymes catalysing citrullination (PAD) is essential for regulating the inflammatory state induced by neutrophil presence.

Dr Tomasz Kantyka, photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr Tomasz Kantyka, photo by Michał Łepecki The main regulators of PAD activity are calcium ions. Calcium binding leads to enzyme activation in the "calcium switch" mechanism, involving structural changes enabling catalytic machinery activation. However, calcium concentrations in these studies often exceed physiological levels, suggesting the involvement of additional activators either replacing calcium or reducing calcium concentration requirements for enzyme activation. Breakthrough results from our project indicate the activation of PAD4 by natural molecules from the glycosaminoglycans (GAG) group. These substances activate PAD4 at calcium ion concentrations similar to physiological levels, explaining their potential in vivo activation. These results have been confirmed using various techniques, including enzymatic activity analysis, direct determination of GAG-PAD4 interaction using microcalorimetry MST and specific binding determination using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). These findings confirm high-affinity GAG binding and suggest a new molecular organisation of PAD4 responsible for increased enzyme activity. In parallel in vitro studies have demonstrated PAD4 binding to GAG-producing cell surfaces, and analysis of clinical samples from patients in collaboration with our Norwegian partner indicates a correlation between elevated GAG levels in serum and earlier disease development.

Describing new PAD4 activation mechanisms has the potential for clinical interpretation, and the results of our basic research may lead to the development of better RA therapies in the future.

Project title: Novel mechanisms of PAD activity regulation. Substrate specificity and activation of peptidyl arginine deiminase in the context of rheumatoid arthritis

Dr Tomasz Kantyka

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Tomasz Kantyka defended his PhD at Jagiellonian University in 2010. His international experience includes research stays in Germany at the Clinic of Dermatology, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, a 4-month collaboration with Institute of Clinical Microbiology at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and USA with a short stay at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. He spent his postdoc in Bergen, Norway, at the Clinical Department of the Bergen University Hospital. Currently he leads a Research Group at the Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, where he continues his research. Currently his main research topic is the regulation of PAD4 activity by non-protein cofactors. He is a co-author of 39 research papers and has received several grants from the Ministry of Higher Education, NCN and Norway Grants.

Dr Tomasz Kantyka, photo by Michał Łepecki

Modelling magma intrusions on the Moon, Mars and Earth

Principal Investigator :
Dr Sam Poppe
The Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Panel: ST10

Funding scheme : POLS
announced on 16 March 2020

Terrestrial planetary bodies in our Solar System include Earth, Mars, the Moon, Venus and Mercury. When heated rock melts at depth below the surface of these bodies, magma is produced. This magma ascends through the crust and is either emplaced and solidified at a shallow depth of a few kilometres below the surface, or it erupts at the surface and forms volcanoes. During shallow emplacement, the magma creates space for itself by displacing and deforming the surrounding rocks. This process translates into deformation of the planetary surface, which can be observed through images collected by space missions.

Dr Sam Poppe, photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr Sam Poppe, photo by Michał Łepecki Monitoring seismicity and ground deformation at active volcanic systems on Earth has revealed that dome-shaped surface uplift features can be formed by magma intrusions that spread horizontally and inflate upwards. No active volcanism has been observed on the Moon and Mars, but dome-shaped uplift features there have been interpreted as magma-induced deformation. These features include impact craters that possess uplifted and fractured crater floors. Geological observations at these features are – for the foreseeable future – impossible, and therefore the team of Dr Sam Poppe at the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences is using numerical models to simulate magma emplacement.

Numerical models can be used to simulate how magma intrusions of different geometries at different depths cause different patterns of ground deformation, or to invert that ground deformation to estimate the magma intrusion characteristics. Most existing numerical models of magma emplacement assume a simplified, elastic behaviour of the deformed host rocks. On Earth, however, geologists have found that rocks around magma intrusions are often deformed and fractured in a much more complex way. Up to now the impact of ignoring that complex deformation on the model results was poorly understood.

Dr Sam Poppe, photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr Sam Poppe, photo by Michał Łepecki From 2021 until 2023, the DeMo-Planet project of Dr Poppe received funding from NCN Poland through the POLS programme to use a new model application to study that complex deformation. By working with colleagues from Ireland, France, Norway and the U.S.A., the research team built and tested a new numerical model that simulates how a magma injection displaces and fractures rocks in the existing two-dimensional Discrete Element Method (DEM). The team verified and calibrated their model at an Earth analogue site close to home. In the Sudetes mountains in Southwest Poland, so-called “melafyr” is extracted to provide building materials for roads and railways. Such quarries in Świerki, Głuszyca and Tłumaczów provide spectacular exposures of 200-250 million-years old trachyandesite magmatic rocks and their overlying rocks. Series of pictures of the rocks were collected with a drone and samples were taken from the surrounding rocks. Observations of fracture networks and rock deformation on the pictures and measurements of the strength of the rock samples were then used to verify and calibrate the numerical model.

The team compared the numerical simulations of magma emplacement at the Polish trachyandesite intrusions with simulations on the Moon and Mars, where gravity is lower than on Earth. The research showed that the different strengths of rocks and different gravity on the Moon and Mars lead to differences in the ground deformation patterns there compared to those on Earth. The results of the multidisciplinary DeMo-Planet project can now be used to better interpret deformation features of the planetary surface caused by magma emplacement, and to better understand volcanic hazards on Earth and past volcanism on other terrestrial planetary bodies in our Solar System.

Find out more about DeMo-Planet at cbkpan.pl, sampoppevolcano.wixsite.com.

Project title: DeMo-Planet: Modelling magma intrusions on the Moon, Mars and Earth

Dr Sam Poppe

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Dr Sam Poppe studies the structural deformation of volcanoes to better inform the interpretation of volcanic activity on Earth, and reconstruct the volcanic histories of other terrestrial planetary bodies.. His work uses various methods from structural geology, geochemistry, experimental and numerical modelling, and he has worked on active and extinct volcanoes in D.R. Congo, Rwanda, the Comoros and Poland. He has studied or been a fellow at three universities in Belgium and the Pennsylvania State University (U.S.A.). He is also an awarded and passionate science communicator. Since 2021, Dr Poppe is a staff researcher at the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Science.

Dr Sam Poppe, photo by Michał Łepecki

An article about an algorithm developed at the Dioscuri Center published in „Cell”

Fri, 03/01/2024 - 15:00
Kod CSS i JS

Dr Mateusz Sikora, Head of the Dioscuri Centre at the Małopolska Centre for Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, has developed a revolutionary method for the fast visualisation of proteins and sugars, which relies on GlycoSHIELD, an algorithm created within the framework of Polish-German scientific cooperation under the Dioscuri Programme. The paper that describes the algorithm was just published in the prestigious journal “Cell".

Sugar chains (glycans) that coat the surface of proteins in our bodies also influence how they interact with other molecules. This is why a robust understanding of glycans plays such an important role, e.g., in new drug development. Because of their mobility and variability, experimental research into sugars is very complex. Computer simulations that allow imaging of how glycans coat proteins normally require hundreds of thousands of hours on purpose-built supercomputers, which means they cannot be routinely used in the process of new drug development.

A solution to these challenges has now been proposed: GlycoSHIELD, a very efficient algorithm that takes just minutes to predict how sugars will behave on protein surfaces. It was developed within the framework of Polish-German cooperation at the Max Planck Dioscuri Centre established in 2023 at the Małopolska Centre for Biotechnology at the Jagiellonian University. The centre is headed by Dr Mateusz Sikora, who previously completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics. On the German side, Dr Sikora has partnered up with a team led by Prof. Gerhard Hummer from the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt. The research project has also involved contributions from the Taiwanese Academia Sinica, the French Inserm Insitute, and the University of Bremen, Germany. The scientists have just published their method in the prestigious “Cell” journal.

Mateusz Sikora, lider Centrum Dioscuri do Modelowania Modyfikacji Potranslacyjnych © Katarzyna Wrona

Dr Sikora emphasises: “Our approach reduces resources, computing time and the necessary technical expertise. Anyone can now calculate the arrangement and dynamics of sugar molecules on proteins on their personal computer or our online app within minutes. There is no need for specialist knowledge or high-performance computers”. The software may help develop new vaccines, drugs and advanced therapies, such as, for instance, cancer immunotherapy.

More about the method developed at the Dioscuri Centre for Modelling Post-translational Modifications

Dioscuri programme

The Dioscuri Programme was launched on the initiative of the Max Planck Society with an aim to create research teams throughout Central and Eastern Europe that would be able to compete with teams at the international level.

Four calls for proposals for the establishment of Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence in Poland have been announced thus far, with 8 out of 114 submitted proposals selected for funding. Scientific excellence is the only assessment criterion under the call. The exceptional programme has attracted eight young researchers to come to Poland; they have received funding to set up and develop independent research groups in the form of Dioscuri Centres in the country. To date, five Dioscuri Centres have been established at PAS institutes in Warsaw; three more are active at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. Each Dioscuri Centre receives 1.5 million euro in funding over five years. The costs are split evenly between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (previously: Ministry of Education and Science) and the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of the Federal Republic of Germany, while host institutions in Poland provide the necessary research infrastructure.

The Dioscuri Programme was implemented in cooperation with the National Science Centre from 2017 onward, until it was suspended by the decision of the previous Minister of Education and Science. The NCN continues to reassert its readiness to organise the last iteration of the Dioscuri call.

More about Dioscuri

Dioscuri Centres opening at the Jagiellonian University

NCN podcast vol. 6: Dioscuri Centres, in which winners of the first Dioscuri call, concluded in 2018, talk about their research.

Studies of human PNPase in mitochondrial RNA metabolism

Principal Investigator :
Dr Katarzyna Bandyra
University of Warsaw

Panel: NZ1

Funding scheme : POLS
announced on announced on 16 March 2020

Mitochondria, which act as small 'powerplants', are essential for almost every human cell to function properly. The dysregulation of these organelles is associated with numerous diseases, including cancer, neurodegeneration and aberrant inflammatory response. In order to function properly, mitochondria import some proteins that are made elsewhere in the cell. One such protein is polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), an RNA-degrading enzyme found in many organisms. Mutants of hPNPase are found in humans with various disorders, mainly neurological, highlighting the importance of this protein in regulation of mitochondrial metabolism. Some hPNPase is also located in the mitochondrial matrix, where it interacts with another protein, Suv3 helicase, to destroy superfluous RNA. However, most of the human PNPase is located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS), the area between the two membranes surrounding the mitochondrial matrix, where its role is puzzling. dr Katarzyna Bandyra, fot. Michał Łepeckidr Katarzyna Bandyra, fot. Michał Łepecki

I have been familiar with PNPase for a long time, as I have studied the functions of this enzyme in bacteria. It is well known that bacterial PNPase participates in the degradation and processing of RNA. I have discovered that it can also form a complex with another protein and RNA, so that its function turns 180 degrees and, instead of degrading RNA, it begins to protect it. In this way, one enzyme, whose primary function is to destroy RNA, under certain conditions also acts as an RNA chaperone. Both human and bacterial PNPase are very similar in sequence and structure, so it is possible that they have similar functions as well.

My research focuses on understanding the function of human PNPase in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. My hypothesis is that the human PNPase, similarly to the bacterial enzyme, could protect RNA, and this could be its role in IMS. Switching of hPNPase activity could occur in the presence of a special type of RNA that hPNPase could not destroy, or another protein, as in the case of bacterial PNPase. On the other hand, in the mitochondrial matrix hPNPase together with the Suv3 protein would degrade RNA. This way, by physical separation of the pool of hPNPase into two different compartments, both its activities could be supporting optimal performance of the mitochondria.

dr Katarzyna Bandyra, fot. Michał Łepeckidr Katarzyna Bandyra, fot. Michał Łepecki In order to test whether human PNPase can have two different functions in mitochondria, I am carrying out experiments using biochemistry, biophysics and molecular and structural biology techniques. Their aim is to determine whether, in addition to RNA degradation, hPNPase functions as an RNA-dependent regulatory protein that protects RNA, e.g. during transport into or out of mitochondria. In addition to studies of hPNPase itself, I am developing a method to obtain information about other proteins and RNA molecules interacting with hPNPase directly in human cells. To this end, I am isolating mitochondria and separating them into fractions that correspond to IMS or matrix, and then performing pull-down experiments to compare protein and RNA partners of hPNPase at different locations. Moreover, I will investigate complexes of hPNPase with the identified proteins and RNAs in vitro, and for the most stable ones I will determine the precise three-dimensional structure using cryo-electron microscopy. These studies will help to understand the role of human PNPase in the mitochondrial intermembrane space and are a prelude to a long-term research plan that may contribute to the development of gene therapies for mitochondrial diseases.

Project title: Structural and functional studies of human PNPase in mitochondrial RNA metabolism

Dr Katarzyna Bandyra

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Katarzyna Bandyra graduated from the University of Warsaw with a master's degree in Biotechnology, specialising in molecular biology. She did her PhD at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, where she became fascinated with structural biology. After graduating, she continued her work at the University of Cambridge using electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM), a rapidly developing technique which has provided insight into a variety of macromolecular complexes that were not within the scope of the structural biology field before. In 2021, she returned to Poland with her own research programme, which uses cryoEM to study proteins and their complexes with RNA.

Dr Katarzyna Bandyra, photo by Michał Łepecki

First two IMPRESS-U grants funded by the NCN

Thu, 02/29/2024 - 12:00
Kod CSS i JS

Researchers from Rzeszów and Opole have just won grants under the international IMPRESS-U call. For the next two years, they will be working on ambitious research projects in cooperation with US and Ukrainian scientists. The NCN will fund their research with a total of nearly 1.5 million zlotys.

The IMPRESS-U (International Multilateral Partnerships for Resilient Education and Science System in Ukraine) call was announced in August 2023. Its objectives are to (1) support excellence in science and engineering research, education, and innovation through international collaboration and (2) promote and catalyze integration of Ukrainian researchers in the global research community.

 IMPRESS-U opens up new opportunities for cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian researchers and their colleagues in the US and, optionally, the Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) is the initiator of the call and its lead agency, which means it is responsible for the merit review of all international proposals, while the other partner agencies approve the results of its review and award funding to their respective research teams.

The IMPRESS-U initiative now gives Polish researchers an opportunity to actively participate in the effort of integrating Ukrainian researchers into the global research community and help rebuild the scientific ecosystem of Ukraine.

Enhancing deep neural networks

One of the first two winners of the call is a team led by Dr hab. Anna Lytova from the University of Opole, who will be working in collaboration with Dr hab Radosław Adamczak from the University of Warsaw. The team will carry out a project entitled Random Matrix Theory and its Applications in Deep Learning together with 10 other participants from the United States and Ukraine. Their US partner is Prof. Leonid Berlyand from The Pennsylvania State University, while research on the Ukrainian side will be headed by Prof. Victor Slavin from the B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kharkiv.

Dr hab. Anna LytovaDr hab. Anna Lytova Dr hab. Anna Lytova is a professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Opole. She earned her PhD at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and has lived and worked in Poland for the past 7 years. Her research is centred on random matrix theory, random graph theory, asymptotic geometric analysis and statistics.

“It was Prof. Berlyand who approached me with his idea of submitting a joint proposal under the IMPRESS-U call. I was familiar with his research record and his work – we had met previously at various seminars – but the IMPRESS-U project will be our first collaboration”, says Anna Lytova, “we really wanted to take advantage of this funding opportunity to support talented mathematicians from the so-called Kharkiv school of mathematics in these difficult times of war”.

Their IMPRESS-U project is dedicated to random matrix theory. Put simply, matrices are rectangular or square tables of numbers, which represent a phenomenon through different parameters, many of which are unknown. In particular, matrices are used to solve systems of equations. Random matrix theory is a subfield of mathematics, which studies the spectrum of large matrices with random entries selected from different probability distributions and with different types of symmetry. Random matrices are very useful for modelling complex systems and can be applied in various disciplines and contexts. In recent years, they have found applications in the rapidly growing field of machine learning, e.g. in deep neural network theory. Scientists now face the challenge of understanding and improving the efficacy of these network learning processes. In their project under the IMPRESS-U call, the Opole- and Warsaw-based team, in cooperation with their international partners, will analyse the spectral properties of random matrices related to neural networks with analytical and numerical methods; they will also work on developing tools to improve accuracy and reduce the complexity of training algorithms.

“Besides doing research, our project also aims to support the educational initiatives undertaken by talented young mathematicians, students and graduate students who, despite the ongoing war, continue to hold classes with the children from competitive maths clubs and teach the next generation of Ukrainian mathematicians, Dr hab. Lytova emphasises.

The NCN decided to award nearly 360,000 zlotys to the Polish part of the project.

Developing regenerative medicine

The other researcher to be awarded NCN funding under the IMPRESS-U call is Dr Olexandr Korchynskyi. He is a molecular and cell biologist, who has been working on methods of regulating stem cell differentiation and function for more than 20 years. His research record includes papers in “Nature” and “Science,” and he is currently employed as an Associate Professor at the University of Rzeszów.

Dr Olexandr KorchynskyiDr Olexandr Korchynskyi Korchynskyi heads a Polish team that will use the IMPRESS-U grant to fund a project entitled “High-throughput agile interfaces for cell sorting (HiTACS)”. The US partner is a team led by Dr Sergiy Minko from the University of Georgia, and, on the Ukrainian side, Prof. Yaroslav Ilnytskyy from the Institute of Condensed Phase Physics in Lviv. The budget of the Polish part of the projects is nearly 1.08 million zlotys.

Aging societies, diseases, disorders and armed conflicts pose a growing challenge to regenerative medicine. Scientists around the world are working on new methods that would allow specific therapeutic stem cells to quickly proliferate and increase our ability to reconstruct tissue deficits or grow entire organs that could be transplanted into patients. The greatest challenge in this context today is to be able to separate therapeutic cells from those that could be potentially dangerous quickly and effectively.

– Our American and Ukrainian partners have worked on stimuli-responsive biomaterials for over a decade. On the other hand, since 2020 we have worked with researchers in Ukraine to create computer-based models of biomedical processes. Owing to the IMPRESS-U program, we discovered an ample opportunity to turn our preexisting collaborations in a larger multidisciplinary research project addressing emerging regenerative medicine technologies. My team has a lot of experience in this area, so we enthusiastically extended our collaboration and jumped on board to apply for a grant under the IMPRESS-U call”, says Dr Korchynskyi.

Their international IMPRESS-U grant consortium will work on developing advanced “smart” multi-trait surfaces that could be used for high-efficiency sorting of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). The researchers will use simulation modelling and experimental methods.

“IMPRESS-U is an education and research programme all rolled into one. Since research on the Polish side will be done in Rzeszów, a town in close proximity to the Ukrainian city of Lviv, we will be able to serve as an effective hub for the educational exchange between Ukrainian and Polish youth”, stresses Dr Korchynskyi.

About the call

Proposals are still being accepted under the IMPRESS-U call. Funding is available for projects that involve research teams from Poland, Ukraine and the US, as well as, optionally, Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia. The PI of the Polish team must hold at least a PhD degree and the Polish part of the project may be planned over a maximum of 24 months. In addition, projects must address the requirements of the EAGER type of special NSF proposals. The Polish partner institutions under IMPRESS-U are the National Science Centre, which has a total budget of 17 million zlotys to distribute among new projects prepared by Polish teams, and the National Agency for Academic Exchange, with a total budget of 7 million, which will be used to fund the expansion of US NSF projects already underway to include cooperation with Polish teams under the so-called International Supplements opportunity.

Foreign teams may submit their applications to the US National Academy of Sciences (US NAS) – for Ukrainian researchers, the Research Council of Lithuania (LMT), the Latvian Council of Science (LCS) and the Estonian Research Council (ETAG).

To learn more about the idea behind IMPRESS-U and explore its terms and conditions, listen to the 7th episode of the NCN podcast (in Polish), entirely devoted to NCN’s international cooperation.

IMPRESS-U Call Announcement

Ranking lists

Kurdish women’s activism

Principal Investigator :
Dr hab. Joanna Bocheńska
Jagiellonian University

Panel: HS2

Funding scheme : GRIEG
announced on 17 June 2019

This interdisciplinary research project, which combined culture studies, anthropology, gender studies and sociology, analysed how the Kurds, a nation without state structures and state institutions, have operated outside such structures, independently building social and cultural institutions of their own in their respective countries of citizenship. Over the last five years, the Kurdistan region, located in the heart of the Middle East and divided between four nation states (Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey), has experienced a series of profound transformations. Some brought hope and inspiration to the Kurds, while others meant that their rights were violated. Even though they often led to the relocation of entire communities and the destruction of many institutions, many new activists and organisations emerged both in the Kurdish homeland and across the diaspora.

The team during a seminar at the Fafo Institute in Oslo in 2022.The team during a seminar at the Fafo Institute in Oslo in 2022. Both internationally and locally, the Kurds are better known for their guerrilla struggle and violent confrontations than peaceful activism. The focus on violence, both in academia and in the media, has led to the relative invisibility of Kurdish social and cultural activism, even though such activism has profoundly transformed the Kurdish community from within. Despite the constraints put in place by state oppression, local cultural centres and women’s organisations, as well as individual actors, such as artists, writers and intellectuals, have all contributed to shaping new narratives and moral imaginations. Since the voice and the activism of women have been generally given short shrift, the goal of ALCITfem is to focus, precisely, on the role of women, as well as the moral ideas and narratives surrounding the social position of men and women. Our project relies on the concept of alternative citizenship to highlight that the Kurds have developed multiple alternative strategies of action (both political and non-political) that remain outside the sphere of state institutions and their structures.

Within the framework of ALCITfem, team members, who spoke the necessary local languages, conducted research in the main centres of Kurdish activism both in Kurdistan and in the diaspora. Alternative citizenship was looked at through the prism of two mutually dependent spaces: activism initiated by women and its moral and cultural foundations. These research problems were investigated within the following four subject areas: 1) the representation of women in Kurdish culture and its role in shaping civic attitudes; 2) the covert activism of Kurdish women; 3) the shaping of gender roles in Kurdish families; and 4) eco-feminism. In this way, the project combined an interest in visible and hidden practices with an attention to the way in which activism was embedded in moral and cultural traditions. Alongside publishing our research results, we also organised several photo exhibitions in cooperation with the Museum of Asia and the Pacific in Warsaw and the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Kraków.

In terms of theory and methodology, the ALCITfem project, Activism And Its Moral and Cultural Foundation: Alternative Citizenship and Women’s Roles in Kurdistan and the Diaspora, combined the fields of social studies and the humanities through the cooperation of the following departments: the Section of Kurdish Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies (Faculty of Philology) of the Jagiellonian University (PSK IO UJ, Kraków); the Centre for Gender Research (STK, Senter for Tverrfaglig Kjonnsforskning) at the University of Oslo (UiO); the Center for the Advanced Study of Population and Religion (CASPAR) at the Krakow University of Economics (UEK); the Fafo, Institute of Labor and Social Research in Oslo; and the Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw.

Project title: Activism and Its Moral and Cultural Foundations: Alternative Citizenship and Women’s Roles in Kurdistan and the Diaspora

Dr hab. Joanna Bocheńska

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Associate Professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies (Department of Iranian Studies at the Jagiellonian University, Head of the Section of Kurdish Studies). She has coordinated several research projects devoted to Kurdish culture and society. She is the author of multiple articles, an editor of a book entitled Rediscovering Kurdistan’s Cultures and Identities: The Call of The Cricket, published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2018 and an acclaimed translator of Kurdish literature. Her interests centre on Kurdish cultural heritage and classical and contemporary literature. She is also an avid photographer: www.joannabochenska.com and editor of: www.kurdishstudies.pl.

Dr hab. Joanna Bocheńska, photo by Michał Łepecki

NCN will fund waiting list projects

Wed, 02/28/2024 - 12:00
Kod CSS i JS

“We can now confirm we are ready to launch funding procedures for projects that were put on waiting lists in OPUS 25, PRELUDIUM 22, MAESTRO 15 and SONATA BIS 13”, said NCN Director Krzysztof Jóźwiak, “this will be possible once the NCN has modified its financial plan”.

In November 2023, in connection with the NCN’s efforts to have its basic research funding budget increased, the NCN Council passed a resolution that allowed for waiting lists to be drawn up in the OPUS 25, PRELUDIUM 22, MAESTRO 15 and SONATA BIS 13 calls. This solution paved the way for the possibility of allocating any additional resources to research projects at Polish host institutions as early as 2024.

Projects that made it onto waiting lists were highly rated by experts and deserved to be funded but could not receive a positive funding decision because there were simply not enough resources in the NCN budget at the time when the calls were concluded.

All the calls in which waiting lists could be created by expert teams have now concluded. Their results have been published on the NCN website, and applicants whose proposals were put on waiting lists have received relevant decisions with a note to that effect.

On 14 February, Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek announced that, in 2024, the budget of the National Science Centre would be increased by 200 million zlotys. This means that researchers working at Polish institutions will receive more resources for their research projects as early as this year. This is very good news for the research community, which has appealed for greater investment in research funding via NCN grants. The minister’s decision will allow the NCN to launch funding procedures for projects on waiting lists, but for this to be possible, the NCN first needs to modify its 2024 financial plan. We are currently waiting for the Minister of Science to approve that modification.

Once it is approved, the NCN Council will pass a series of resolutions to increase the budgets of individual calls. Subsequently, available resources will be divided between different disciplines or discipline groups in accordance with the previous NCN Council resolution on the possibility of compiling waiting lists for OPUS 25, PRELUDIUM 22, SONATA BIS 13 and MAESTRO 15 calls. Proposals will be awarded funding in accordance with their ranking order on the waiting list until the budget allocated by the NCN Council is exhausted and the NCN Director will issue new funding decisions for the proposals in question. All decisions will be taken, and procedures will be launched, as soon as possible.

Evidence of sudden glacial events in north-eastern Poland

Principal Investigator :
Dr hab. Piotr Weckwerth
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Panel: ST10

Funding scheme : OPUS 16
announced on 14 September 2018

The main objective of the project is to identify, describe and analyse unequivocal evidence, hitherto unavailable in Europe, for extreme glacial events and, specifically, for sudden discharges of large quantities of meltwaters and surges in the periphery of the ice sheet during the last glaciation period. Our research thus far has allowed us to identify the landforms that suggest such extreme glacial events indeed took place and the processes involved in their evolution, which were previously unknown for the north-eastern Poland or in even southern periphery of the last Scandinavian ice sheet.

Field studies at the research station in Biała Woda, north of Suwałki (standing from the left: W. Wysota, A. Krawiec, P. Weckwerth (PI in an NCN grant), M. Chabowski, D. Kumar, E. Kalińska). Photo by Andrzej RomańskiField studies at the research station in Biała Woda, north of Suwałki (standing from the left: W. Wysota, A. Krawiec, P. Weckwerth (PI in an NCN grant), M. Chabowski, D. Kumar, E. Kalińska). Photo by Andrzej Romański In our project, we reconstructed the processes that shaped such landforms and led to the deposition of sediments under the ice sheet and within the ice stream in the vicinity of the town of Rajgród. It was the first time that ribbed moraine landforms were identified in north-eastern Poland, represented by groups of parallel ridges orientated transverse to the ice flow, which were formed sub-glacially (under the ice sheet) as a result of the quick advance of the glacier, whose pressure deformed the bedrock. On the other hand, by identifying the morphology, geological structure and origins of landforms created by catastrophic glacial floods near Suwałki (north-eastern Poland), we were able to understand the processes by which such floods transported and deposited various sediments, their energy and flow regimes, as well as their flow parameters (depth, speed, hydraulic gradient, etc.).

Dr hab. Piotr Weckwerth, photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr hab. Piotr Weckwerth, photo by Michał Łepecki Studies conducted in the past few years within the framework of our NCN-funded project allowed us to identify a morphogenetic system of glacial floods in north-eastern Poland, which consists of two principal parts. One (subglacial) comprises a group of subglacial valleys, along with an extensive depression considered as the floodwater source. The other (proglacial) consists of two valleys that come together near the town of Suwałki and form a wide outwash plain further to the south. Our studies of sediments and the conditions of their deposition allowed us to identify, for the first time on the European lowland, landforms that suggest glacial flooding during the last glaciation, including bedforms such as transverse furrows, cyclic steps, scours and small-scale pendant bars and chute bars. One of the most characteristic landforms left behind by the glacial megafloods that have been identified during our research in the Suwałki region are the megadunes identified in the area of Lake Wigry and Lake Serwy. These landforms were studied to identify their morphologic types and estimate paleo-hydraulic parameters, determine the features of the sedimentary environment in different zones of the glacial floodway, the spatial and temporal variation in the deposition of different sediment types and their ages (OSL dating). Among our most important achievements was the identification of a potential source of the glacial floodwaters in the Suwałki region: a subglacial lake situated in Lithuania, where we identified its sediments lying under till layer correlated with the Pomeranian phase of the last glaciation. Having estimated the spatial extent of the lake, we were able to reconstruct water flows under subglacial conditions and in the forefield of the ice sheet. In order to model their dynamics, we used geoinformatics techniques and HEC-RAS software. Our simulations confirmed the location of the subglacial reservoir that served as the source of the glacial megafloods in question, caused by floodwaters flowing out of three different glacier gates (ice portals), and allowed us to calculate their flow hydrograms in the proglacial zone.

Our geomorphological and sedimentological results have already been published in several JCR-listed journals, as well as in a chapter of a monograph published by Springer Nature. Data on the landforms, deposits and processes associated with glacial flows of up to 2 mln m3/s that we identified place our research among the best in the world and shed new light on glacial phenomena in north-eastern Poland and western Lithuania which, as it turns out, had a fundamental impact on the evolution of the valley system in the European Lowland. Our research has won numerous accolades, including a “GEOLOGIA 2021” Award in the “Research record/Fundamental discovery” category of a competition organised by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Ice sheet meltwater discharge area near Bachanów, photo Piotr WeckwerthIce sheet meltwater discharge area near Bachanów, photo Piotr Weckwerth

Project title: Geomorphic records and palaeogeographic implications of Late Weichselian glacial megafloods and surges at the southern sector of the Scandinavian ice sheet (MEASSIS)

Dr hab. Piotr Weckwerth

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(born 1971) geomorphologist and geographer. His research centres on the glacial and fluvial geomorphology of the European Lowland and currently glaciated regions. He is particularly interested in glacial floods, fluvial sedimentology, the evolution of glacial landforms and Europe’s system of valleys, as well as in estimating past river flows in the process of palaeographic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction.

Dr hab. Piotr Weckwerth, photo by Michał Łepecki