Research on new methods of breast cancer diagnosis

Principal Investigator :
Dr Karol Andrzej Jelonek
Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Gliwice

Panel: NZ7

Funding scheme : GRIEG
announced on 17 June 2019

Every year, over 2 million women around the world develop breast cancer, which is the cause of death in a third of them. Since the most important cause of the high mortality rate of this cancer is late diagnosis, screening tests have been introduced in many countries based primarily on imaging methods that have several weaknesses regarding diagnostic precision. Thus, new methods are being sought to enable reliable detection of changes occurring in the body at the earliest possible stage of cancer development. The source of potential breast cancer biomarkers are components of body fluids, including a diverse group of metabolites. The composition and concentration of these small molecules present in the blood integrate information about all biological processes, thus reflecting the current state of the body.

Dr Karol Andrzej Jelonek, photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr Karol Andrzej Jelonek, photo by Michał Łepecki The subject of this Project was to characterise the metabolic profile of blood serum in women at increased risk of breast cancer and the signature specific to patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The analyses used material collected from healthy participants of the Norwegian population-based study conducted in 1995-1997 in the Trøndelag region (HUNT2 study), some of whom were diagnosed with cancer during the 15-year observation period, and samples of women with cancer and healthy volunteers from the collection of the Center for Translational Research and Molecular Biology of Cancer. The serum metabolite profile was quantitatively analysed by mass spectrometry using the commercial Absolute IDQ p400 HR kit, which allows for the detection of over 400 metabolites and isomeric groups of lipids.

As a result of the study, several interesting results were obtained. It was noticed that the age of donors is an important factor in changing the concentration of metabolites, therefore research should be conducted on groups with a small age range, ensuring a similar age structure of the compared groups. It was found that reduced serum lipid and amino acid concentrations are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in a group of healthy women. Unfortunately, the lack of a universal pattern of changes (common to different age groups) and the low statistical power of the differences did not permit the proposal of a metabolic risk signature. It has been shown that reduced levels of most amino acids (except Arg and Gln), ceramides, glycerides, and lysophosphatidylcholines, as well as increased concentrations of hexoses and acylcarnitines are characteristic features of the serum metabolome of breast cancer patients. Additionally, it was found that the set of metabolites that distinguished healthy people from breast cancer patients included molecules that were part of the hypothetical universal cancer signature characteristic of many solid tumours.

Read more on SEMPRA Project website.

Dr Karol Andrzej Jelonek with his team: Katarzyna Morowiec (on the left) and Lucyna Ponge (on the right), photo by Michał ŁepeckiDr Karol Andrzej Jelonek with his team: Katarzyna Morowiec (on the left) and Lucyna Ponge (on the right), photo by Michał Łepecki

Project title: Serum metabolome profiling in breast cancer risk assessment

Dr Karol Andrzej Jelonek

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

Dr Karol Andrzej Jelonek obtained a master's degree in technology and chemical engineering at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice in 2007 and a master's degree in radiobiology at the Faculty of Oncology of University College London in the United Kingdom in 2008. In 2011, he obtained a doctorate in medical sciences at the Oncology Centre – Institute in Gliwice. In 2012, he completed a three-month research internship focused on the biomedical use of mass spectrometry techniques at the Biomedical Scientific Centre, Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom. Since 2018, he has been working as an assistant professor at the National Institute of Oncology in Gliwice. His current research interests include the impact of radiotherapy on changes in the profile of metabolites and proteins in the blood of cancer patients and the search for new metabolomic tumour markers.

Dr Karol Andrzej Jelonek, photo by Michał Łepecki

MAESTRO 15 and SONATA BIS 13 results

Fri, 02/23/2024 - 08:00
Kod CSS i JS

7 grants for experienced researchers and 38 grants for new research teams will go to scientists working at Polish host institutions. The NCN will fund their projects with a total of nearly 126.5 million zlotys.

MAESTRO is the most prestigious among the NCN calls organised by the National Science Centre. It supports pioneering research projects, often interdisciplinary in nature, which go beyond our current state of knowledge and are likely to bring about important scientific discoveries.

MAESTRO is targeted at experienced researchers with a PhD degree. Applicants must be able to demonstrate at least five publications released by renowned Polish or international academic publishers/journals in the last 10 years. They are also expected to have served as a principal investigator in at least two research projects selected in international or NCN calls and must meet all other call criteria.

The grant can go toward funding research team salaries, including scholarships for students and PhD students, research equipment costs and other necessary project expenses.

In the 15th MAESTRO call, NCN’s expert teams have selected 7 out 56 submissions. Worth a total of nearly 21.2 million zlotys, the projects will be carried out by host institutions and consortia from six cities: Białystok, Poznań, Katowice, Kraków, Łódź and Warsaw. The success rate of MAESTRO 15 was 12.5%.

Ranking list

MAESTRO 15 ranking list in pdf

In the previous fourteen iterations of MAESTRO, we awarded 278 grants with a total budget of more than 761.5 million zlotys. Project database.

SONATA BIS for early-stage (young) researchers and their ambitious projects

Under SONATA BIS, scientists can apply for funds to set up a new research team. It is a unique opportunity for researchers (within 5 to 12 years of earning their PhD) to achieve research independence. Winners will be able to build a team and conduct ambitious innovative basic research projects, with stable funding guaranteed for 36, 48 or 60 months.

The SONATA BIS grant can go toward funding salaries for the PI and other research team members, including scholarships for students and PhD students, research equipment costs and other necessary project expenses.

The list of winners in SONATA BIS 13 features 38 projects from all over Poland, which were selected by expert teams from among 420 proposals, with a total budget of more than 105.2 million zlotys. The success rate was 9.05%.

Ranking list

SONATA BIS ranking list in pdf

In the previous twelve iterations of SONATA BIS, we awarded 881 grants worth more than 1.57 billion zlotys in total. Project database.

Proposal evaluation

Proposals submitted to MAESTRO and SONATA BIS are assessed in a two-stage peer review process. At stage 1, each proposal undergoes a merit-based evaluation by at least two members of the expert team appointed by the NCN for the purposes of the call in question. The reviews are then discussed at the first panel meeting and the team takes a joint decision to pass the proposal on to stage 2 or reject it. At stage 2, each proposal is evaluated by at least two external reviewers and the PI is invited to the NCN for an interview. Based on the results of the interview and the external peer review, the expert team then agrees on the final score for each proposal and selects the projects that will receive funding.

Waiting lists

Just like in calls concluded in November 2023, MAESTRO 15 and SONATA 13 expert teams drew up waiting lists, which include highly rated proposals that experts believe should be funded, but could not receive a positive funding decision because of a lack of resources at the NCN.

These waiting lists could be prepared thanks to a resolution passed by the NCN, which allowed expert teams to take this step. The solution was designed in connection with its efforts to have its funding budget increased; it means that the National Science Centre is now ready to quickly allocate the new resources announced by Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek during a press conference on 14 February 2024: 200 million zlotys more for the NCN.

Once the 2024 financial plan has been modified and the National Science Centre has received these additional resources, the NCN Council will pass the relevant resolutions to modify the call budgets.

What does it mean if your project is put on the waiting list?

Researchers who were put on a waiting list receive a negative funding decision, with the caveat that they are now on the waiting list. They are not in any way restricted in the exercise of their rights in the call procedure; they can still appeal against the decision and submit proposals in other calls.

If the budget of the NCN is increased and the NCN Council passes a resolution to commit additional resources to specific calls, waiting list projects will be funded in the order in which they have been ranked by Expert Teams. How many waiting list projects are funded will depend on the sum added to the project by the Council.

The PIs of successful projects will then receive a new funding decision and a relevant announcement will be published on the NCN website.

NCN Council Meeting with Deputy Minister of Science

Fri, 02/16/2024 - 12:30
Kod CSS i JS

The Deputy Minister of Science, Dr hab. Maciej Gdula, attended the latest NCN Council meeting on 15 February 2024 to discuss the role and funding of the National Science Centre.

NCN Council meeting with the participation of Deputy Minister of Science Maciej GdulaNCN Council meeting with the participation of Deputy Minister of Science Maciej Gdula At the press conference in Warsaw, on 14 February, the Minister of Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, announced that the 2024 NCN budget will be increased by 200 million zlotys. The NCN funding was also discussed by the Deputy Minister of Science, Dr hab. Maciej Gdula, NCN Council members and representatives of the NCN’s Office at the meeting in Krakow, on 15 February 2024.

The scientific community has been urging for an increase in the grant-in aid for many months. Between 2018 and 2023, the NCN budget was practically frozen, and the state budget subsidy for NCN-funded research projects increased by merely 13 per cent. Therefore, the success rate of recently concluded research projects, i.e. percentage of grant recipients, has dropped below 10 per cent. With the announced increase in funding, the NCN will be able to fund many high-quality projects from waiting lists and increase the budget for new initiatives.

During the meeting with the NCN Council members, Dr hab. Maciej Gdula declared that together with the Minister of Science, they intended to confirm a steady increase in research funding, including an increase in the subsidy for the NCN. The participants also discussed the social function of science, NCN tasks and its role in the system of science and higher education, as well as other institutions within the system. They talked about, inter alia, the evaluation of proposals at the NCN, projects in Humanities and Social Sciences, and solutions developed by the NCN to support a grant culture at smaller research centres.

Wizyta wiceministra nauki dr hab. Macieja Gduli w siedzibie NCN

Resistance genes: in search of natural methods of plant disease resistance

Principal Investigator :
Prof. Dr hab. Jadwiga Śliwka
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute

Panel: NZ9

Funding scheme : GRIEG
announced on 17 June 2019

The main objective of the DivGene project is to widen our knowledge on plant diseases and the factors influencing resistance or susceptibility to pathogens. The research object is potato, the fourth most important cultivated plant in the world, and its most important disease, economically, potato late blight. This is a disease which attacks potatoes and tomatoes wherever they are grown and which in suitable conditions, at high humidity and moderate temperature, can cause yield losses up to 100%. There is a lack of potato cultivars resistant to late blight that could minimise chemical protection of the plantations. One of the reasons for this lack is the fast evolution of the pathogen that causes late blight. It is a fungus-like organism which spread around the world from America, following the potato. Its strong adaptation potential means that soon after the introduction of a new variety of resistant potato, new pathogen strains appear and spread, able to overcome the resistance and successfully infect the new cultivar.

Prof. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał ŁepeckiProf. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał Łepecki Recently, DNA sequences of ca. 20 major resistance genes against potato late blight have been elucidated and ca. 60 of such genes have been identified and mapped in potato and its wild relatives. However, we do not know which of the known resistance genes are present in the currently grown cultivars, especially since the resistance of many of them has been overcome. The first specific objective of the DivGene project is diagnosing the presence of several late blight resistance genes and analysis of their diversity in potato cultivars grown in Poland and Norway. The products of resistance genes work as alarm switches that recognise the pathogen’s proteins and start defensive reactions that result in resistance. We know of only 10 cases in which late blight proteins are recognised by the potato resistance proteins. They all belong to the family of effectors with a characteristic RxLR motive. A second project objective is diversity analysis of the genes encoding late blight effectors in the populations of the pathogen in Poland and Norway. These two goals are being achieved with the use of a high throughput next generation sequencing method and a technique that allows for selective sequencing of the genes of interest (AmpSeq). This approach allows us to obtain data on the diversity of the genes crucial for the interaction between potato and late blight in a population scale that was impossible hitherto. A significant advantage of the Polish-Norwegian cooperation within the project is that we obtain data from two different environments, which is used for stronger verification of the hypothesis that the diversity of plant resistance genes and the genes encoding pathogen’s effectors shape the co-evolution of the plant-microbe pathosystem.

Prof. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał ŁepeckiProf. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał Łepecki Phenotypic validations of the results of the 1) potato and 2) pathogen gene diversity analyses, based on the AmpSeq method, are the next two objectives of the DivGene project. In phytopathological tests, using plants differing by their resistance gene contents and pathogen isolates with defined abilities to cause disease, we confirm both the virulence of the investigated pathogen isolates with different effector variants, and the resistance of potato cultivars with different variants of the resistance genes. We also measure the expression of the studied genes during the disease development to confirm their actual involvement in the interaction.

The expected effect of the project is new knowledge on plant-pathogen interactions and the most important genes involved in it, illustrated by the model example of the potato-late blight pathosystem. This knowledge will help us to answer such questions as: why the plant’s resistance is not durable, whether the durability of resistance conferred by different genes can also be different, what shapes the late blight pathogen populations and why some strains started to dominate them in Poland and Norway. Better understanding of the interactions between plants and pathogens can in future be exploited in practical plant breeding and in improvement of disease control methods, which will help to reduce pesticide usage and the negative impact of the agriculture on the natural environment.

Prof. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał ŁepeckiProf. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał Łepecki

Project title: Diversity analyses of key genes involved in interaction between potato and Phytophthora infestans

Prof. Dr hab. Jadwiga Śliwka

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

A graduate of Jagiellonian University. Doctoral degree and habilitation at IHAR-PIB, in the agricultural sciences. She worked in Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung in Germany, at the Wageningen University in Netherlands and in The Sainsbury Laboratory in Great Britain. Awarded with Polish Prime Minister’s Award for her PhD thesis and scholarship START from the Foundation for Polish Science. Research interests: potato genetics, search for genes and quantitative trait loci conferring potato’s resistance to diseases. Interested as well in potato pathogens and wild relatives. In 2017-2022 she was a president of the European Association for Potato Research.

Prof. Jadwiga Śliwka, photo by Michał Łepecki

List of Expert Team members evaluating proposals submitted to the NCN in 2023

Wed, 02/14/2024 - 13:18
Kod CSS i JS

A list of experts who evaluated proposals submitted to the following calls of the National Science Centre in 2023 as Expert Team members:

  • MAESTRO 14, SONATA BIS 12 launched on 15 June 2022;
  • OPUS 24 + LAP / WEAVE, PRELUDIUM BIS 4, SONATA 18, POLONEZ BIS 3 launched on 15 September 2022;
  • SONATINA 7, SHENG 3 launched on 15 December 2022;
  • MINIATURA 7 launched on 1 February 2023;
  • OPUS 25, PRELUDIUM 22 launched 15 March 2023.

List of experts in alphabetical order

List of experts in alphabetical order: MINIATURA 7

We wish to acknowledge all the Experts for their commitment and contribution in the evaluation of proposals submitted to the above calls for proposals.

200 million zlotys more for the NCN

Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:40
Kod CSS i JS

At a press conference held on 14 February, the Minister of Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, announced his decision to increase the 2024 NCN budget by 200 million zlotys.

“We know that the NCN has had serious problems with funding in recent years. I'd like to tell you that I have decided to increase its research-funding budget by 200 million zlotys”, Dariusz Wieczorek said. He also stressed that the “decision had already been announced and agreed on with the Minister of Finance during the budget presentation”.

Press conference at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, featuring Minister Dariusz Wieczorek, Deputy Minister Maciej Gdula, and NCN Director Krzysztof Jóźwiak. Photo by Anna Korzekwa-JózefowiczPress conference at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, featuring Minister Dariusz Wieczorek, Deputy Minister Maciej Gdula, and NCN Director Krzysztof Jóźwiak. Photo by Anna Korzekwa-Józefowicz The Minister affirmed that he would also press for higher subsidies in the coming years. “We want to persuade the Polish government and the Minister of Finance to continue increasing the NCN grant year after year”, he added.

Dr hab. Maciej Gdula, Deputy Minister of Science, who was also present at the press conference, hailed the NCN budget increase and the announcement of pay rises for researchers as a moment of “historic change”. “This opens up an entirely new chapter in the treatment of research”, he said.

The additional 200 million will come from the budget of the Ministry of Science.

“This is a very good decision. We will use these resources to fund many valuable projects”, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwiak, NCN Director, commented on the plan.

Asked how the extra sum would be allocated between different NCN calls, the director said that they still needed “more time for analysis”. “I can also promise we will be able to launch many projects that have ended up on waiting lists in previous calls”, he asserted.

At the press conference, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwiak also thanked researchers who have supported the NCN for many months and repeatedly appealed for its budget to be increased. He also mentioned the grassroots social media initiative, #NCNtoTlen, within the framework of which researchers describe research projects they have been able to pursue thanks to NCN funding. “We see that as really important support”, he said.

Love Data Week 2024: Polish research data management infrastructures and services

Tue, 02/13/2024 - 15:53
Kod CSS i JS

Join us for a webinar organised by the National Science Centre within the framework of Love Data Week 2024. Held on 14 February under the slogan of “My Kind of Data”, the session will be focused on Polish research data management infrastructures and services.

During the webinar, representatives from various Polish infrastructures will present their portfolios and discuss research data management opportunities offered by Polish institutions. You will find out about the target groups of specific infrastructures and services and learn how you can help carry out various research projects. You are also strongly encouraged to ask questions during our Q&A session.

Below, more information about the event:


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Aneta Pazik-Aybar, Narodowe Centrum Nauki, EOSC;

Maciej Piasecki, Wrocław University of Technology (WUT), CLARIN-PL

Dr hab. inż. Maciej Piasecki, Prof. WUT, from the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Wrocław University of Technology, is the author of multiple scientific papers in natural language engineering, computational linguistics, lexicography, digital humanities and artificial intelligence. He is one of the creators of CLARIN-PL (, the Polish component of the European language technology research infrastructure, CLARIN ERIC ( Since 2012, he has served as the national coordinator of CLARIN and the CLARIN-PL research consortium. In 2018-2022, he served two terms as the President of the Board of the National Coordinators’ Forum of CLARIN ERIC. Since 2005, he has headed a team working to build and develop Słowosieć (plWordNet,, a large relational semantic dictionary of Polish, with a complete mapping onto Princeton WordNet (English). He is a member of the board of the Global WordNet Association. He has coordinated and headed many large research, research and development, and infrastructure projects, including CLARIN-PL-Biz (, one of the largest Polish projects in AI development. He is a co-author of many language tools and resources, especially for Polish. He sits on the Program Boards of many international conferences in natural language engineering, computational linguistics and artificial intelligence.

Roksana Wilk, Cyfronet AGH Academic Computer Centre, PLGrid;

Roksana Wilk is the leader of the Data Processing Lab, specialised in dedicated IT solutions for the research data management process at the Cyfronet AGH centre in Kraków. She first started out at Cyfronet as part of a team working to define the model and operation of its research-dedicated computational infrastructure, then went on to define and develop tools for the users of PLGrid, the Polish national e-infrastructure. While working on computational infrastructures, she got involved in EOSC-related projects, which marked the beginning of an adventure with open science that continues to this day. Apart from projects and activities aimed at developing open science governance and policy, she also works with aspects of the technical implementation of research data management platforms. She is active in many organisations involved in open science and research infrastructures. In private, she is a biomedical engineer, a fan of neurobiology and a dance lover.

Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska, Gdańsk University of Technology, Data Bridge;

Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska is the head of the Science and Technology Information Section at the Gdańsk University of Technology and a leader of the Open Science Competence Centre of the Library of the Gdańsk University of Technology. She is a member of international open science associations and expert groups (e.g. EOSC, RDA, OpenAIRE) and a co-chair at RDA IG Education and Training on Handling of Research Data IG. She is also an app reviewer for Core Trust Seal repositories, as well as the Open Science Representative of the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology.

She graduated from the University of Warsaw and Boras University, Sweden, with a degree in Digital Library Management, and went on to gain professional experience at the Health Science Library, University College Dublin, Ireland, where she worked for several years. She has participated as a guest and speaker in many national and international conferences, as well as science and infrastructure projects (e.g. Positive management of technical universities: a new model of work motivation, funded under NCN’s OPUS; DATA BRIDGE Multidisciplinary Open Knowledge Transfer System, stage 2: Open Research Data).

She has coordinated the following tasks: RDA/EOSC Data practices in an interdisciplinary perspective – building good standards and universal solutions and Working for the Promotion and Awareness Raising of Open Research Data in the framework of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) program (1.4.b) at the Gdańsk University of Technology.

Wojciech Fenrich, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, RepOD;

Wojciech Fenrich has an MA in sociology (University of Warsaw, 2006) and philosophy (University of Warsaw, 2009), and a PhD degree from the Department of Sociology of the University of Warsaw (2011). He has worked at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling since 2011. He was a product owner and analyst in a project “Dziedzinowe Repozytoria Otwartych Danych Badawczych” [“Domain Repositories Open Research Data”] (2018-2021). He is the custodian of the RepOD open data repository, takes part in its software development, and delivers training courses in research data management. He is a social sciences researcher.

He has translated a number of popular science and computer science books.

Magdalena Wnuk, Digital Humanities Centre, Institute of Literary Research, PAS, OPERAS PL;

Dr Magdalena Wnuk is the head of the Open Humanities Section at the Digital Humanities Centre, Institute of Literary Research, PAS. At the Digital Humanities Centre, she coordinates the development of OPERAS-PL and works in other projects related to the European OPERAS infrastructure (OPERAS-P, TRIPLE, PALOMERA, OPERAS-PLUS). She conducts interdisciplinary research, combining anthropological, sociological and historical perspectives. She is the author of a book entitled “Kierunek Zachód, przystanek emigracja” [“Direction: West, Station: Emigration”], published in the “Monografie FNP” series. Previously, she spent seven years (2013-2019) working as an analyst and project coordinator at Stowarzyszenie 61, where she developed websites: and Jawny Lobbing.

Raimundas Tuminauskas, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre.

Raimundas Tuminauskas joined the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre in 2019. With an extensive experience in European research and science networks, he is in charge of network and services infrastructure, especially as part of the PIONIER network. He is also responsible of international cooperation with GÉANT and EOSC. He leads an EOSC working group, heads the GÉANT Future project and participates in EOSC Future, Skills4EOSC and OSTrails projects. Since 2021, Raimundas has coordinated EOSC open science proceedings at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre, focusing on the strategic development of PIONIER network services available to research institutions.


Booking not required. Join the webinar HERE

The event will also be streamed live on the YouTube channel of the NCN:

Love Data Week was first launched in 2016 in the US and soon grew into an international event during which a broad community of institutions, organisations, scientists, students and other data lovers come together to raise awareness of research data and data management practices. This year’s slogan, “My Kind of Data”, emphasises the individual nature of data and their importance for science and society.

Weave-UNISONO launch of a call for proposals with the Czech GAČR as the lead agency

Tue, 02/13/2024 - 11:00
Kod CSS i JS

We are pleased to announce that the Czech agency GAČR will conduct a call for proposals under the Weave programme between 9 February 2024 to 3 April 2024, with the Czech agency acting as the lead agency.

Please note that under the Weave-UNISONO call, if a joint proposal is submitted to GAČR, an NCN proposal must be submitted electronically via the OSF submission system as soon as possible following the submission of the joint proposal to GAČR, by 10 April 2024, 23:59 p.m. at the latest.

Once the work on the NCN proposal has started in the OSF submission system, the Polish research team has 45 calendar days to complete the proposal and submit it to the NCN. After that, the proposal can no longer be edited, in which case a Polish research team that has not sent its proposal to the NCN must prepare a new proposal and complete it in the OSF submission system.

Announcing Love Data Week 2024

Thu, 02/08/2024 - 11:00
Kod CSS i JS

Come attend a webinar entitled Polish research data management infrastructures and services.

This year, the National Science Centre decided to join the event, which will be dedicated to Polish research data management infrastructures and services. The following infrastructure representatives will take part in the event organised by the NCN:

  • Gdańsk University of Technology (Data Bridge),
  • Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling, University of Warsaw (RePOD),
  • Cyfronet AGH Academic Computer Centre (PLGrid),
  • Digital Humanities Centre, Institute of Literary Research, PAS (OPERAS-PL),
  • CLARIN-PL Centre for Language Technologies, Wrocław University of Technology (CLARIN-PL).

The meeting is organised within the framework of Love Data Week, an annual initiative aimed at highlighting the importance of research data management and raising the awareness of good practices in data management, sharing, storage and reuse. The event is organised in Valentine’s Week.

Love Data Week was established in 2016. First launched in the US, it soon grew into an international event during which a broad community of institutions, organisations, scientists, students and other data lovers come together to promote due diligence in the treatment of research data.

The main slogan of this year’s Love Data Week is “My Kind of Data”.

Save the date: 14 February 2024, 12:00-2:30 pm

Venue: online

Agenda: (details soon)

Registration is not obligatory. Free admission (limited capacity), webinar link: go here

MAPS – Multilateral Academic Projects

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 13:00
Kod CSS i JS

In the first quarter of 2024 the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) will launch the MAPS call. The programme will provide funding for projects carried out by Polish researchers in collaboration with partners from Switzerland, as well as Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania.

MAPS is a multilateral initiative that promotes knowledge circulation by providing cross-border collaboration opportunities. The programme aims at increasing the competitiveness in the European Research Area and responds to the scientific community’s demand for more international integration and cooperation with colleagues based in Switzerland as well as Central Europe.

MAPS is a part of the second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states. The programme is operated by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) which cooperates with research funders in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

Joint Research Projects

MAPS will be implemented through joint research projects involving at least one applicant based in Switzerland and two to five additional applicants from two to five of the participating EU-13 countries. Each project is carried out at the research facilities available at the institutions which join the research consortium, while reciprocal visits and short stays may also be supported. An online partner search tool was made available to support partnership formation (link:  

The maximum amount of funding for each team in each country is 350,000 francs for four years. All costs of the Polish part of the project are covered by SNSF. The call is not co-funded by NCN or other Polish institutions.

The research projects have a duration of between 36 and 48 months.

The call for proposals will be open to all research areas.


The project must be submitted by a Swiss applicant in the SNSF’s electronic submission system mySNF. It is not necessary to submit the application in the OSF system. Merit based and financial details concerning the Polish side of the partnership must be completed by the Swiss PI in mySNF.

The Polish Principal Investigators must meet the following criteria:

  • have obtained their PhD at least 4 years prior to the submission deadline;
  • be scientifically independent researchers and be able to lead the project team;
  • be employed under an employment contract at an eligible research institution for the duration of the whole project, giving them access to the relevant research infrastructure.

The Polish Principal Investigator must be employed under an employment contract throughout the duration of the project in a Polish institution. Enterprises are ineligible as applicants.

The call is scheduled to open in the first quarter of 2024. Further information will follow in due course.