First results of the Weave-UNISONO call for proposals submitted in 2022

Tue, 08/09/2022 - 12:02
Kod CSS i JS

The first winning project selected from among proposals submitted in 2022 under the Weave-UNISONO call will be carried out by a group of researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology in collaboration with the Austrian partners. The NCN will allocate 416,000 PLN to fund their research. 

The winning project in mathematics (“Boolean Methods, Expectations, Resolvents, Free Probability”) will be carried out by Polish researchers lead by Kamil Szpojankowski in collaboration with Franz Lehner’s team from the Graz University of Technology. 


Weave-UNISONO is a call launched within the framework of a multilateral cooperation between research-funding institutions that make up the Science Europe association. It was launched to simplify submission and selection procedures for proposals in all disciplines of science, which bring together researchers from two or three different European countries.

The selection process is based on the Lead Agency Procedure (LAP), under which only one partner institution is responsible for the merit-based revaluation of submitted proposals; the other partners agree to accept its results.

Under Weave, cooperating research teams submit their research proposals in parallel: to the lead agency and to the relevant domestic institutions participating in the programme. Their joint proposal must include a coherent research plan that clearly spells out the added value of international cooperation.

The Weave-UNISONO call accepts proposals on a rolling basis. Polish teams wishing to partner up with colleagues from Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium-Flanders are encouraged to carefully read the call announcement and submit their funding proposals.

POLONEZ BIS 1 – funding agreements

Tue, 08/02/2022 - 08:37
Kod CSS i JS

Funding agreements that have been successfully delivered to NCN are currently waiting for the formal check. We would like to remind you that they will be signed by the NCN’s Director only after we receive a document confirming that the principal investigator/Polonez fellow has been employed by the host institution under the conditions defined in §2 (1-2) of the funding agreement (throughout the funding term under a full-time employment contract, solely for the purpose of performing research and training activities related to the POLONEZ BIS project’s implementation). 

The employment confirmation should be submitted in electronic form (signed with a qualified electronic signature in PAdES format by the representative of the host institution), to the address of National Science Centre’s Electronic Delivery Box: /ncn/SkrykrytkaESP, within 7 days of the day the fellow’s employment begins. Fellow’s employment for the purpose of POLONEZ BIS project must begin on the project start date.

Over 22 million PLN for research projects carried out by early-stage researchers under SONATINA 6

Fri, 07/29/2022 - 15:32
Kod CSS i JS

We have just published the results of the 6th edition of the SONATINA call for proposals. 32 recent PhD holders from all over Poland will receive a total of over 22 million PLN for their research and fellowships in prestigious foreign research institutions.

SONATINA is targeted at researchers who earned their PhD within 3 years prior to the proposal submission year or by 30 June 2022. This edition attracted 157 proposals and NCN experts recommended 32 of them for funding, totalling over 22 million PLN. The success rate was 20.4%. The grants will go toward the costs of the winners’ full-time employment at the Polish research institutions, basic and applied research as well as foreign fellowships of 3 to 6 months.

Researchers applying under Physical Science and Engineering received the largest number of grants (13), totalling over 8 million PLN. A similar amount was awarded to researchers applying under Life Sciences. Under Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 11 proposals were recommended for funding, totalling over 6 million PLN.

Ranking Lists

List of Funded Projects (PDF)

SONATINA 6 Call Winners

The winners of the 6th edition of the SONATINA call for proposals address research problems that are crucial for modern science, e.g. in agriculture or ecology.

Dr Katarzyna Tyśkiewicz from the New Chemical Syntheses Institute incorporated in the Łukasiewicz Research Network searches for the sources of natural substances with antifungal activity and develops methods for their separation and purification. She claims that the annual level of food production worldwide is reduced even by 50% due to severe atmospheric and environmental conditions but also the negative influence of pests and microorganisms. She believes that supercritical brown macroalgae extracts can be used to produce new plant protection products.

Another grant winner, Dr Katarzyna Tołkacz from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, analyses an influence of climate change on the distribution of external parasites (e.g. ticks and fleas) and blood parasites they carry, using three species of penguins: Adelie penguins, gentoo penguins, and chinstrap penguins – all of which inhabit the South Shetland Islands. Parasite expansion in West Antarctica may impact the health and population of the unique Antarctic fauna.

In Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, grants went to projects addressing modern challenges as well as socio-economic and religious context of the past. Funding awarded under SONATINA 6 will allow Dr Karolina Frank from the University of Warsaw to examine the roles and status of women living in Epirus, Greek Illyrian colonies, and Thessaly between the fourth and first century BC. Her research may verify our previous theories of the life of women in Greek society during the Late Classical and Hellenistic periods and prove that they enjoyed a more remarkable position in their communities. 

Service of Decisions

Decisions concerning proposals recommended or not recommended for funding under SONATINA 6 will be served on 29 July 2022. Decisions of the NCN Director will be served on the applicants in an electronic format to their e-mail address provided in the proposal.

If the applicant is an entity described in Article 27 (1) – (7) and (9) of the Act on the National Science Centre, the decision of the NCN Director will only be served to their Electronic Delivery Box address (ESP ePUAP) address. If a natural person acting as the applicant indicates their ePUAP address in the proposal, the decision will be sent to that address. If a natural person acting as the applicant fails to indicate their ePUAP address, information with an electronic address from which the NCN Director’s decision may be downloaded will be sent to their e-mail address provided in the proposal.

Decisions of the NCN Director are also communicated to the principal investigator and, if the applicant is a natural person, also to the participating entity named in the proposal.

If the applicant has not received the decision, it is recommended to check whether the electronic address provided in the proposal (ESP, ePUAP, e-mail) is correct or to contact the Programme Officer named in the OSF submission system.


A scholarship programme for Ukrainian students and young researchers

Tue, 07/26/2022 - 15:00
Kod CSS i JS

The sizable group of 111 researchers who have already benefited from NCN programmes targeted at scientists fleeing the war will now be joined by students and PhD candidates. We have the pleasure to announce a new scholarship programme for young researchers, funded from the EEA and Norway Grants.

A presentation of NCN initiatives for Ukrainian researchers, 6th July, photo: Jan Bielecki for NCNA presentation of NCN initiatives for Ukrainian researchers, 6th July, photo: Jan Bielecki for NCN Several days after the Russian aggression, the National Science Centre drafted a special programme targeted at Ukrainians seeking refuge in Poland. We also created an option for NCN grant winners to hire them under ongoing NCN projects. These initiatives have already allowed 111 Ukrainian researchers to find employment at universities and research centres throughout Poland. Now, they will be joined by their younger colleagues.

Previous initiatives were targeted at PhD holders. The new scholarship programme, on the other hand, reaches out to students and graduates who have not yet earned their PhD degree. Its purpose is to enable them to continue their studies, work on their MA thesis or PhD dissertation, or pursue other forms of education in Poland.

The scholarships will be paid out over a period of 6 to 12 months. What’s new is that their holders will be able to spend up to half of that time in Ukraine and carry out their grants remotely.

Applications can be submitted by universities and other research centres. The host institution must name an advisor delegated to support the scholarship holder. The application should also explain how the institution is planning to integrate the winner with the Polish research community and outline the benefits that their new skills and experience will bring to Ukrainian science.

The maximum funding for one applicant is 5,000 zlotys (applicants can request a lower sum and cover some of the costs from their own resources).

The scholarship programme is funded from the EEA and Norway Grants under the Basic Research Programme operated by the NCN. Its terms and conditions have been approved by the programme’s partner, the Research Council of Norway.

Just like in previous initiatives targeted at Ukrainian researchers, the formal submission and assessment requirements have been reduced to the minimum. Please consult the official announcement for additional information and detailed terms and conditions.

A seventh research component has now qualified for NCN funding under NAWA’s “Polish Returns 2021”

Tue, 07/26/2022 - 10:30
Kod CSS i JS

A seventh research component has now qualified for NCN funding under NAWA’s “Polish Returns 2021”. Dr inż. Ewa Kowalska will arrive at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków to work on plasmon-enhanced photocatalysis as a green solar energy conversion and environmental remediation technology. The budget awarded to her research project equals 200 thousand zlotys.

See the ranking list

The NAWA announced “Polish Returns 2021” on 14 May 2021. The purpose of the program is to enable outstanding Polish researchers working abroad to return to Poland and conduct their research at Polish host institutions.

Proposals submitted to the NAWA can include a basic research component, which is funded by the National Science Centre. In this particular call, the NAWA peer review team selected 11 projects, 9 of which meet this criterion. Before they can start working on their projects, the scientists first need to submit a funding application to the NCN. The application will only undergo a formal eligibility check.

The NCN accepts applications on a rolling basis from the moment NAWA decides to grant funding under the “Polish Returns 2021” scheme until the last proposal with the research component is submitted.

The NCN Council has set aside a total budget of 3 million zlotys for “Polish Returns 2021”.

Consolidator Grant for NCN Award Winner

Wed, 07/20/2022 - 13:31
Kod CSS i JS

Dr Dawid Pinkowicz, Professor at the Jagiellonian University and winner of the 2019 NCN Award received an ERC Consolidator Grant.

ERC Consolidator Grants are addressed at researchers with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD. In March 2022, ERC grants were awarded to Prof. Marta Bucholc from the University of Warsaw and Dr Jarosław Wilczyński from the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Prof. Pinkowicz from the Jagiellonian University has recently joint the group of ERC grant winners. Prof. Pinkowicz is a chemist and 2019 NCN Award winner in Physical Sciences and Engineering for designing innovative multifunctional molecular magnets and quantum nanomagnets. The European Research Council will fund his project entitled: “Bringing molecular photomagnets to light – achieving magnets through visible light excitation at room temperature (LUX-INVENTA)”. The aim of the project is to discover molecular photomagnets working at room temperature and to understand their operation mechanisms, thus paving the way for research on their application in everyday objects.

“The aim of my research is to understand new phenomena and new chemical processes, but I must admit that that each time I crystalize a new substance or study its properties or structure I hope for a small scientific revolution” he said in our video promoting the NCN Awards in 2019.

This month, the ERC has also awarded an Advanced Grant to Prof. Andrzej Indrzejczak from the University of Łódź.

Pre-announcement of CHIST-ERA ORD Call

Wed, 07/20/2022 - 12:10
Kod CSS i JS

This call tackles the challenge of open research data and software from the perspective of their possible reuse. The objective is to create the conditions for research in any domain (within, at the interface or outside ICT) based on open or shared data and software.

Applicants should address in their project at least one of the following target outcomes:

  1. Create, enrich or prepare ‘reference data sets’;
  2. ‘Editorialization’ of data: Reduce the distance between data producer and expected or even unexpected data re-user;
  3. Processes and tools to describe, share, reference, and archive software source code, with the goal to enhance reproducibility of research results.

The call will require that projects are submitted by international consortia with minimum of three eligible and independent partners requesting funding to organisations in the call from at least three different participating countries.

Deadline for proposal submission is 14 December 2022.

A Partner Search Tool to find partners is provided by the CHIST-ERA network, by consulting the list of the so-called Expressions of Interest (EoI) and/or by submitting your own EoI.

The list of countries and funding organisations which have shown preliminary interest in participating in the ORD Call can be found at the CHIST-ERA website.

Please note that this pre-announcement is for information purposes only. It does not create any obligation for the CHIST-ERA consortium nor for any of the participating funding organisations. The official Call Announcement, to be published later, shall prevail.

Dioscuri Leaders at the MPG

Wed, 07/20/2022 - 11:30
Kod CSS i JS

The leaders of the Dioscuri Centres have taken part in the workshops on various topics, including project funding and training of young researchers. The meeting was held between 11 and 12 July in Munich at the headquarters of the Max Planck Society (MPG).

Dioscuri is a programme devised by the Max Plank Society and carried out jointly with the National Science Centre. It is aimed to create the Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. The programme is cofounded by the National Science Centre with the funds of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The first five DCs have been created in Warsaw: two at the Nenecki Institute of Experimental Biology, one at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, one at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and one at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In May 2022, leaders of the three new DCs were announced. The new DCs will be established at the Jagiellonian University.

On 11 and 12 July, the old and new winners of the Dioscuri Programme took part in the workshops organised by the Max Planck Society to provide them with helpful tools for the establishment and management of the centres and to facilitate knowledge sharing with German researchers. The workshop covered various topics, such as applying for ERC, DFG and NCN funding, leadership, networking and training of young researchers. The participants met with, inter alia, MPG President Prof. Martin Stratmann and visited the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPI).

Fot. Denise Vernillo/MPGFot. Denise Vernillo/MPG

Positive outcome

The Dioscuri Centres introduced new research topics, and experimental methods and approaches to the Polish research community and strengthened its position through publications in prestigious international academic press/journals. DCs have attracted foreign researchers: students, PhD students, post-docs and fellows. The DC leaders establish cooperation with the best researchers from Germany, USA, United Kingdom, France and Sweden contributing to the internationalisation of Polish science. 

ERC Advanced grant for a philosopher from the University of Łódź

Mon, 07/18/2022 - 15:37
Kod CSS i JS

Prof. Andrzej Indrzejczak from the University of Łódź and NCN grant winner has been awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council. He is the second AdG winner and fourteenth researcher working at a Polish research institute with an ERC grant awarded this year.

Prof. Andrzej Indrzejczak is a logician and author of numerous papers on proof theory and non-classic logics. He teaches logic, philosophy and fundamentals of computer science. He is the Head of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Łódź. The European Research Council will fund his research entitled “Coming to Terms: Proof Theory Extended to Definite Descriptions and other Terms”. His project will be carried out at the Centre for the Philosophy of Nature of the University of Łódź which conducts interdisciplinary research in the area of philosophy, natural science, physics and mathematics.

He is a winner of two NCN grants awarded under the OPUS call for proposals. His current project focuses on the investigation of some important proof systems for nonclassical logics.

In April 2022, an ERC Advanced Grant was awarded to Prof. Wojciech Knap from the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, leader of the project entitled “Towards On-Chip Plasmonic Amplifiers of THz Radiation”.

Advanced Grants are dedicated to well-established and outstanding researchers with significant research achievements. In March 2022, the ERC also awarded Consolidator Grants. The winners of the call addressed at researchers with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD included two researchers from Poland. At the beginning of the year, the ERC awarded Starting Grants addressed at researchers with 2-7 years of experience since completion of their PhD. It was a record-breaking edition of StG for Poland with 10 grants awarded to researchers from the Polish research institutions. They are all also NCN grant winners.

A list of Polish winners, including winners of the previous editions of ERC calls, is available on the website of the National Contact Point.

fot. M. Kaźmierczak/Uniwersytet Warszawskifot. M. Kaźmierczak/Uniwersytet Warszawski An interactive map of ERC-funded research projects is available on the website of the European Research Council.

This month, the European Research Council awarded the “Public Engagement with Research Award” addressed at ERC grant winners who perform research involving non-research communities. Dr Artur Obłuski, an archaeologist from the University of Warsaw is one of nine winners of the call. He is also a grant winner of two NCN calls. Dr Obłuski carries out his research in Old Dongola in today’s Sudan. In his work he considers the local point of view and traditional knowledge on cultural heritage.

The Work Programme of the future ERC calls 

NCN grant recipients may take part in the ERC Mentoring Initiative aimed to support researchers applying to ERC calls in their preparation of proposals.

NCN initiatives for Ukrainian researchers: a presentation

Wed, 07/06/2022 - 18:53
Kod CSS i JS

fot.  Jan Bielecki dla NCNfot. Jan Bielecki dla NCN “Countries like Poland need to remember that the heroic struggle that Ukrainians are engaged in while fighting for their country is, in its essence, also a struggle for our freedom. It is our historical duty to help them in their plight”, said Professor Zbigniew Błocki, Director of the National Science Centre, during an event held to present the NCN’s initiatives targeted at Ukrainian researchers. The meeting took place on 6 July 2022 at the headquarters of the NCN.

The National Science Centre has been involved in delivering assistance to Ukrainian academics from the very start, launching a number of initiatives that have thus far allowed Polish academic and research centres to hire nearly 100 Ukrainian researchers. During the first days of the war, it drafted a special programme to enable Ukrainian researchers to continue their research in Poland, which is now commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. We have also made it possible to hire refugee researchers under current NCN projects.

More informations

“The NCN was the first research institution to express its solidarity in the wake of the Russian aggression. We are grateful for the support we’ve already received, but also for the fact that you haven’t stopped helping us. This Polish-Ukrainian research cooperation should be continued even in difficult times, such as the ones we’re facing today”, said Dr Olga Polotska, Head of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

dr Olga Polotska, fot. Jan Bielecki dla NCNdr Olga Polotska, fot. Jan Bielecki dla NCN During the meeting in Kraków, we also announced a new programme for young Ukrainian researchers, funded under the EEA and Norway Grants.

In the coming weeks, the NCN is going to announce a scholarship programme for Ukrainian researchers without a PhD degree. These special scholarships will be paid out for 6 to 12 months; their holders can spend at least half of that time in Ukraine and carry out their grants remotely.  The scholarships will allow around 20 Ukrainian researchers to conduct  projects at Polish academic and research centres. The programme is financed from a bilateral fund of more than 250 thousand euro.

dr Olha Kryvosheia-Zakharova i jej mentorka, dr hab. Agata Wojtal, prof. IOP PAN, fot. Jan Bielecki dla NCNdr Olha Kryvosheia-Zakharova i jej mentorka, dr hab. Agata Wojtal, prof. IOP PAN, fot. Jan Bielecki dla NCN The NCN is also planning to continue its special programme for Ukrainian researchers with a PhD degree, commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In the next edition, the programme will be funded under the EEA and Norway Grants, and researchers will once again be able to spend at least half of the grant period in Ukraine.

In both programmes, applicants will need to explain how they are planning to integrate with the Polish research community and outline the benefits that their new skills and experience will bring to Ukrainian science.

prof. Halyna Naienko i dr hab. Zofia Brzozowska z Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, fot. Jan Bielecki dla NCNprof. Halyna Naienko i dr hab. Zofia Brzozowska z Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, fot. Jan Bielecki dla NCN “We should adopt a broader perspective, look ahead to the future, and think of what will come after the war. Our programmes should support research in Ukraine and not aim to keep Ukrainian researchers in Poland. I really believe we can build a good future together”, said Professor Jacek Kuźnicki, President of the NCN Council, in the closing words of his statement.

During the meeting, two Ukrainian women who now work in Poland under NCN-funded grants talked about their research. Dr Olha Kryvosheia-Zakharova and her mentor, Dr hab. Agata Wojtal, professor at the Institute of Nature Conservation, PAS, presented a project on the biodiversity of selected water ecosystems in Poland. Dr hab. Zofia Brzozowska and Prof. Halyna Naienko from the University of Łódź talked about their project entitled “Linguistic differentiation of Slavia Orthodoxa at the dawn of modernity: continuity and change. A Mixed-Methods study”, conducted by an interdisciplinary team of medieval and Paleo-Slavic scholars at the Faculty of Philology in the University of Łódź.

The meeting was attended by the Consul General of Ukraine and the Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Norway, Ukrainian NCN grant winners and their Polish mentors, representatives of academic and research institutions, as well as members of the NCN Council and NCN staff. The event was held under the auspices of the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

Photo galery:
