Specificity of trust in communal-sharing and market-pricing relations

Principal Investigator :
prof. Agata Gąsiorowska
SWPS University

Panel: HS6

Funding scheme : OPUS 21
announced on 15 March 2021

Being part of modern society, we engage in various relationships. Some are close, intimate, and based on care, such as between close friends or parents and children. Others are limited to specific transactions and concentrate on gains and losses, such as between buyers and sellers. Psychologists call the former “communal” and the latter “market” relationships. Some relationships are even more complicated because they include communal and market elements, such as providing care for others for monetary benefit. For example, teachers who care for young students do not expect direct compensation from the children but receive a salary from the school administration. In all these cases, people want to have a “good relationship” with others and can achieve that by building trust. But is trusting our close friends and family members psychologically the same as trusting our business partners or other market actors? And what happens when these two types are mixed up in a single situation, such as when we ask a close friend for a loan, and they agree but ask us to sign a written contract?

prof. Agata Gąsiorowska, photo Łukasz Beraprof. Agata Gąsiorowska, photo Łukasz Bera In our project, entitled “Trust as a polymorphous phenomenon. Psychological specificity of trust in communal-sharing and market-pricing relations ”, we have turned our attention to the interplay between trust and different relationship types. Until now, most studies have analyzed trust in the confines of a specific field, such as psychology, economics, or organizational behavior, making it difficult to compare research results across disciplines. As a consequence, we still do not know how trust dynamics in the communal domain differs from its dynamics in the organizational or market-exchange domain. By contrast, our approach to this project is interdisciplinary. Our goal is to integrate the behavioral approach, which involves measuring trust as a behavior, with the psychological approach, which analyses the cognitive, affective, and motivational aspects of the formation of trust in the two types of relationships.

Our projects started with a meta-analysis, which showed that experimental design features that cued a communal-sharing mode did not have a large effect on the level of trust in the Trust Game, while market-pricing cues increased its level. We also created experiments to test the impact of communal-sharing or market-pricing cues and their consistency on the perception of a given situation as a communal or market relationship, as well as on trust. In another series of experiments, we tested how introducing means of control might change the perception of market and communal relations and affect trust in these relationships. In the next part of the project, we will focus on the factors and mechanisms that favor trust in the market and communal relations, testing various mechanisms potentially responsible for differences in trust in these two types of relationships.

We expect our results to contribute to the development of disciplines such as social and economic psychology and behavioral economics, as well as create a platform for designing further studies on the correlations between the relational context and trust. Our research lays the basis for a better understanding of the conditions in which people are more likely to trust others, allowing us to build socially beneficial solutions to minimize the negative consequences of lack of trust.

Project title: Trust as a polymorphous phenomenon. Psychological specificity of trust in communal-sharing and market-pricing relations

prof. Agata Gąsiorowska

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

Her research focuses on issues that straddle the intersection of social and economic psychology. Her main interests include the psychological functions of money, individual differences in attitudes towards money, the market mentality and its consequences, and the non-utilitarian functions of buying. Her book, co-authored together with Katarzyna Sroczyńska and entitled “Your Money or Your Life. How Money Influences Our Behavior, Emotions, and Relationships (2024) provides a popular account of the scientific knowledge at the center of her research.

prof. Agata Gąsiorowska, photo Łukasz Bera

Final grants for research components have been awarded

Thu, 11/14/2024 - 11:00
Kod CSS i JS

Two grants for research components have been awarded to the returning scientists under the Polish Returns NAWA programme. They will pursue their research in Gliwice and Krakow.

Dr Marcin Kamiński, an expert in immunometabolism, will return to Poland from the United States. Owing to funding granted by the National Science Centre under the Polish Returns NAWA programme, he will be able to carry out a Life Sciences project ( “Targeting mitochondrial utilization of glycerol to modulate lymphocyte activation and obesity-induced inflammation”) at the Silesian University of Technology.

A grant in Physical Sciences and Engineering will go to Dr inż. Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, physicist specialising in Quantum Information Technology. After his return from the University of Geneva, he will study quantum thermodynamics at the Jagiellonian University.

Ranking Lists: research components under Polish Returns NAWA 2023  

Ranking List No 6 in PDF format 

Polish Returns NAWA 2023 enabled Polish researchers who had conducted research abroad to continue their scientific work at Polish universities and research institutions. The research component covered by the programme is funded by the National Science Centre pursuant to an agreement between the two agencies. Research components can be carried out by returning scientists or project team identified in a proposal submitted to the Polish Returns NAWA 2023 programme.

The National Science Centre conducted a continuous call for proposals to fund research components in the project from the date the funding decision was issued by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the Polish Returns NAWA 2023 programme until the last proposal for a research component recommended for funding in the call was submitted to the NCN.

The latest results concern the final components recommended for funding under the Polish Returns NAWA 2023 programme. Proposals submitted to the NCN were only subject to an eligibility check.

Online lectures by 2024 NCN Award winners

Wed, 11/13/2024 - 14:30
Kod CSS i JS

Wiktor Lewandowski, Błażej Skrzypulec and Marcin Magierowski will deliver lectures in the “Science in the Center” series organised by the Copernicus Center and the NCN. The first session will be held on 20 November.

The first lectures in the “Science in the Center” series were given by NCN Award winners in 2020. To date, together with the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, we have produced twelve livestreams, which have had a total of more than 300K views.

The lectures are livestreamed on the YouTube channel of the Copernicus Center and later added to the “Science in the Center” playlist. Each session consists of a talk by the NCN Award winner and a moderated discussion, during which viewers can ask questions and make comments in the chat window.

Meetings with 2024 NCN Award winners will be held on three consecutive Wednesdays: 20 November, 27 November, and 4 December at 6 pm.

The first talk will be given by Wiktor Lewandowski, this year’s NCN Award winner for Physical Sciences and Engineering, who specialises in photonics and materials chemistry. Lewandowski won the 2024 NCN Award for his groundbreaking technique to produce chiral photonic nanomaterials.

A week later, we will meet Błażej Skrzypulec, who specialises in the philosophy of perception and, in particular, the structural aspects of sensory experience, non-visual perceptual modalities and multimodal perception. He won this year’s NCN Award in Arts, Humanities and Social Swciences for his achievements in the study of the structural aspects of perceptual experience.

Marcin Magierowski, specialised in multidisciplinary biomedical research, will give the last lecture in this year’s series. He won this year’s NCN Award in life sciences for his study of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide as key signal transducers in the pathogenesis and pharmacology of gastrointestinal lesions. Magierowski will talk about “Beneficial and medicinal ‘poisons’: hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide as a biomedical discovery that transcends our current understanding of the nature of the human body”.

You can also hear about the research done by Wiktor Lewandowski in the NCN podcast.

Long-term effects of light pollution on freshwater predators

Principal Investigator :
Mateusz Augustyniak
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Panel: NZ8

Funding scheme : PRELUDIUM 22
announced on 23 March 2023

With technological progress, we try to bring more conveniences into our daily lives, including artificial light at night (ALAN). Unfortunately, people are often unaware that ALAN is also a source of environmental pollution that negatively impacts the living organisms around us. Rhythmic internal timing mechanisms, known as biological clocks, regulate many biological processes. These are mainly synchronised by the natural light cycle of night and day, which is disrupted by ALAN.

Currently, more than 50% of the global population live at a distance less than 3 km from rivers, lakes and other freshwater bodies, which means that these ecosystems are as vulnerable to ALAN as terrestrial ones. The increasing number of research focused on ALAN indicate that, in the short-term perspective, it affects many biological processes in a wide range of freshwater organisms, and thus represents a serious threat to global biodiversity. The commonly used white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) could be especially harmful, as they are characterized by a significant peak at wavelengths corresponding to the blue light, to which many living organisms are sensitive.

Mateusz Augustyniak, photo Łukasz BeraMateusz Augustyniak, photo Łukasz Bera Another human-mediated biodiversity threat is biological invasions. Biological invasion is a process by which an organism is introduced to a region beyond its natural range, where it becomes established and maintains a stable population, causing negative impacts to native biota through, e.g., predation or competition. There are research pointing out that ALAN modifies the behaviour and distribution of invasive species, as well as their impact on invaded ecosystems. Thus, comprehensive studies that combine the impact of ALAN and the invasive species in freshwater ecosystems are extremely important, because high levels of light pollution are associated with areas with high human interference, which are usually also the main hotspots for invasive species.

Our project aims to expand our knowledge of how ALAN affects freshwater organisms, both native and invasive. We are going to perform a series of laboratory experiments, focused on the long-term impact of light pollution on selected species of freshwater fish with different circadian rhythms. The species characterized by the diurnal lifestyle will be the native Eurasian perch and the invasive pumpkinseed, and for the nocturnal species we select the native European bullhead and the invasive racer goby. Due to ALAN, diurnal species may suffer a disturbed resting phase, which is important for their regeneration and coincides with the dark phase of the day. On the other hand, nocturnal species may become more visible to potential predators during the peak of their activity, which could negatively affect meeting their basic needs, such as feeding.

The fish will be divided into two groups: one kept in the undisturbed light cycle (the control group) and the other in a light cycle disturbed by ALAN provided by the white LEDs (the test group). Our goal is to study their long-term growth and the reactive oxygen species level, because the disruption of the resting phase may adversely affect the mechanisms of eliminating these harmful compounds from the organism. Further, we are going to carry out a series of short-term experiments to better explain potential mechanisms responsible for the findings of the long-term study. These will include a respirometry assay to assess the physical capacity of the fish, as well as their activity and foraging efficiency evaluation.

Comparing the results between the test and the control group will allow us to estimate potential long-term changes in the organism induced by the presence of ALAN. Further, comparing the susceptibility to ALAN of native and invasive species with the same circadian activity could reveal how the latter respond to light pollution, which is essential for understanding their impact on invaded ecosystems, especially in light of the predicted further increase in light pollution worldwide.

Project title: Long-term effects of light pollution on freshwater predators. Does increased light level at night favour invasive over native fish species?

Mateusz Augustyniak

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

A PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis, at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. His main research interest is the ecology of freshwater organisms, with a special emphasis on invasive species. The main purpose of his research is to investigate the possible traits that give invasive species an advantage over native species, determining their success in the invaded areas. His PhD dissertation involves a comparison of the behaviour between invasive and native freshwater fish species facing stressful situations.

Mateusz Augustyniak, photo Łukasz Bera

Prof. Adam Izdebski winning Synergy Grant call

Tue, 11/05/2024 - 16:00
Kod CSS i JS

The ERC has settled the Synergy Grants call. 57 projects were selected to be implemented in 24 countries. The winning applicants include Prof. Adam Izdebski, Professor of Environmental History at the University of Warsaw and winner of NCN calls.

Prof. Adam Izdebski, fot. M. Kaźmierczak/Uniwersytet WarszawskiProf. Adam Izdebski, fot. M. Kaźmierczak/Uniwersytet Warszawski Adam Izdebski is the Professor of Environmental History and Human Ecology at the University of Warsaw, winner of the FUGA and OPUS NCN calls. The ERC will fund the project under his leadership entitled “Understanding anew the role of pandemics in pre-industrial Europe (1300-1800 CE): history, natural science and machine learning.” “The aim of the project is to answer the question of why the same virus, the same bacterium, the same pathogen, produces completely different biological and social effects, depending on the context in which the epidemic takes place. The team, which will include geneticists, climatologists, archaeologists, historians, ecologists and machine learning specialists, will study more than 50 epidemics that Europe experienced between the Black Death and the invention of the smallpox vaccine, i.e. from the late Middle Ages to the early stages of industrialisation. For each of these outbreaks, we will try to examine ‘everything’ – not just their effects, but the whole context, from the weather to what people sang in churches during services and what headgear they wore. All of this vast knowledge will then be analysed using machine learning to create a model that will enable us to predict how various combined factors can influence the course of a pandemic. It is as much about clarifying the past as it is about creating a new theoretical basis that will be useful in preparing for future pandemics”, explains Prof. Adam Izdebski in a recording released by the University of Warsaw.

The project EUROpest will involve 10 institutions from across Europe and the United States, including four leading centres: University of Warsaw, University of Gießen, Georgetown University and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. The project will start in the middle of next year and will last six years.

Prof. Izdebski’s research funded by the NCN concerned the environmental history of Byzantium and Cracow.

In the just-concluded Synergy Grant call, 57 research groups will receive funding. The projects will be carried out at 184 universities and research centres in 24 countries in Europe and beyond. Most projects will be carried out in Germany (34 projects), the UK (18), France (13), the US (12), Spain (11) and the Netherlands (10). Six projects include researchers from countries that have hosted fewer ERC grants to date, such as the Czech Republic (2 projects), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Poland (1) and Portugal (1).

Announcement on the ERC website

We need to focus on research

Tue, 11/05/2024 - 14:00
Kod CSS i JS

An interview with Professor Krzysztof Jóźwiak was published in “Rzeczpospolita” on 5 November. The NCN Director spoke to Nadia Senkowska about research funding and Poland’s development ambitions.

“We need to focus on research, because only from this will ideas for future innovations emerge. While most projects will not result in tangible products that can be commercialised, the inventions that are nevertheless produced will ‘repay’ in taxes these earlier investments. They can secure the budget of an institution such as NCN for years to come,” says Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwiak in an interview with the “Rzeczpospolita” journalist.

The NCN Director points out that the current way of research funding does not allow for the development we should be aiming for, given the ambitions of researchers, society and the state. “If we are building a knowledge-based economy, investment in research should be a matter of course,” the head of NCN highlights.

Prof. Jóźwiak also gives examples of countries that have invested heavily in research. One of these is Belgium, which focused 30-40 years ago on the development of biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals. Why? Because it had great specialists and sensed how great the demand for research in these areas there would be in the future. Another example is Taiwan. “Admittedly, to a certain extent, the country did so under military pressure from China, but it is fair to say that we too – even if we were living under the hope or delusion that this kind of pressure was not on us – have recently changed our position on this issue,” Prof. Jóźwiak says.

The NCN Director also draws attention to the need to increase the NCN budget. He highlights that many researchers stayed in the country “because they saw that the system we are creating thanks to NCN (...) is similar to the one functioning in other countries”. There are also foreigners working here who came at a time when getting a grant was more feasible than today. “Both of these groups are specialists who could work anywhere in the world. So, if they continue to have to operate in a system where only 10 per cent of them have a chance to get their projects done, they will indeed look for work abroad,” he says.

For the full interview, see the “Rzeczpospolita” website.

As a reminder, in September the NCN Council called for an increase in the NCN budget by PLN 300 million. The winners of ERC grants have also made a similar appeal to the Prime Minister. There was also a petition to the head of government, prepared by a group of researchers, which was signed by more than 4,500 people from Poland and abroad.

According to the draft state budget adopted by the government, NCN funding is to increase by PLN 50 million next year. The legislative process is ongoing.

NCN Mentor database for MINIATURA has just been launched

Tue, 11/05/2024 - 10:00
Kod CSS i JS

Researchers experienced in managing research projects are welcome to joint our NCN mentor database. Mentors will support the winning applicants of the MINIATURA call in preparing their research projects.

The main aim of the NCN Mentoring Initiative is to support researchers involved in research activities under the MINIATURA call in the preparation of a research project, the funding of which may then be requested under NCN calls.

Mentors must be principal investigators of projects funded under the NCN MAESTRO, OPUS, SONATA BIS and SONATA calls and calls carried out in international collaboration or ERC call winners.

Mentoring may be requested by researchers applying for MINIATURA funding as of 2025. Their applications may include the name of a requested mentor or simply include their intention to use a mentoring support in their research activity. 

Researchers may join the mentor database via NCN Mentor Database: MINIATURA, where they will be requested to provide their full details and information on specialization and experience in research project performance. Once a form is completed and submitted by a mentor candidate, it will be verified by NCN officers and entered to an open mentor database on the NCN website. Enrolment in the mentor database is voluntary.

In considering the idea of launching the mentoring initiative, last spring we sent a survey to our potential mentors to establish the level of interest. We received nearly 2 thousand replies, of which 1.8 thousand researchers expressed their interest in joining the initiative. We are truly grateful for that interest.

Mentor Database

NCN Mentoring Initiative Regulations

Grants for projects by Polish, Czech and Slovenian teams

Mon, 11/04/2024 - 14:00
Kod CSS i JS

Polish researchers will carry out one trilateral and four bilateral international projects with the participation of scientists from the Czech Republic and Slovenia thanks to OPUS 26+LAP/Weave funding. Polish research teams awarded a total of 7.5 million zlotys.

OPUS is the largest call for proposals in the portfolio of the National Science Centre. Launched twice per year, in March and September, it is open to Polish researchers seeking funds for research projects carried out in cooperation with international research teams or with the use of large international research equipment. It is now a tradition that the autumn round of OPUS includes an additional funding track for projects carried out in cooperation with international partners under the Weave programme. The OPUS 26+LAP/Weave programme allowed Polish researchers to apply for funding for bi- or trilateral projects jointly with research teams from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium-Flanders.


Successful projects carried out in cooperation with researchers from the Czech Republic and Slovenia, which were awarded funding under OPUS 26+LAP/Weave, had been submitted by researchers based in Gdańsk, Poznań and Kraków.

In Life Sciences, one grant went to Dr hab. Marcin Gruszecki from the Gdańsk Medical University, who will be working on possible applications of machine learning with elements of physiology in medical diagnostics, specifically in respiratory disorders. Dr inż. Olga Orman from the University of Agriculture in Kraków will head a Polish team working on a project entitled “Comparative analysis of growth characteristics of beech and fir regeneration shaped by different weather, climatic and environmental conditions in different parts of their natural ranges in Europe”. In Physical Sciences and Engineering, funding was awarded to a team from the Poznań University of Technology, led by Dr hab. Inż. Mateusz Barczewski, who will investigate living hybrid materials on bioderived composite substrates. Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Boczkaj from the Gdańsk University of Technology will head a project looking into the phenomenon of microchannel cavitation for chemical oxidant activation. In art, humanities and social science, a Polish team led by Dr hab. Michał Mencfel from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, in trilateral cooperation with Czech and Slovenian partners, will carry out a comparative study of art collecting among the aristocracy of Central Europe in the 1795-1939 period.

The work of Polish teams under the Weave programme is financed by the National Science Centre, while their Czech and Slovenian teams will get their funding from the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) and the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS), respectively.

OPUS and OPUS LAP results

A total of 1737 proposals with a total budget of nearly 2.6 billion zlotys were submitted to the NCN under the OPUS 26+LAP/Weave programme. In the first round, grants worth 441 million zlotys were awarded to 267 researchers working on projects that did not involve any international cooperation under Weave. Results for OPUS LAP projects planned in partnership with teams in Austria, Belgium-Flanders, the Czech Republic and Switzerland were announced in July, with 29 international projects worth more than 42.34 million zlotys joining the ranks of Weave winners. In August, another grant of 1.4 million zlotys went to one Polish-Luxembourgian project.

In the current, fourth round, a total of more than 7.5 million zlotys was awarded to four bilateral projects carried out by researchers from Poland and Slovenia, and one trilateral Polish-Czech-Slovenian project, initially put on a waiting list. Its funding was made possible by the extra 200 million zlotys awarded to the NCN this year by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the NCN Council’s resolutions that increase the budget of OPUS 26.



Polish-Slovenian projects

Polish-Czech-Slovenian projects


First list

Waiting list

Qualified projects



Total (PLN)

6 942 672

566 307

After tallying the results of all rounds held thus far, the list of OPUS 26+LAP/Weave winners currently consists of 302 projects worth more than 492 million zlotys.

LAP procedure

The LAP procedure is a proposal evaluation standard adopted at European research-funding institutions, designed to facilitate the funding application process for international research teams and streamline proposal review. A LAP proposal submitted to the NCN in the autumn round of OPUS undergoes a full merit-based evaluation in accordance with all the terms and conditions and criteria of the call; in addition, experts assess the scientific track record of foreign PIs and their previous research projects and determine whether the contribution of all teams in the project is balanced and complementary.

International partner teams apply to secure funding for their part of the project to their respective research-funding institutions under the Weave programme. However, in accordance with the Lead Agency Procedure, they no longer need to pass a merit-based evaluation in those agencies and other partner agencies merely approve the results of evaluation performed by the NCN experts.

The approval process for proposals recommended for funding by the NCN is still underway for OPUS 26+LAP/Weave projects that involve cooperation with German partners.


Funding decisions for bilateral projects with partners from Slovenia and trilateral projects with partners from Slovenia and the Czech Republic, recommended for funding under OPUS 26+LAP/Weave, were sent out on 4 November.

Decisions issued by the NCN Director are delivered electronically to the electronic address indicated in the proposal. How are funding decisions delivered?

Weave-UNISONO launch of a call for proposals with the Slovenian ARIS as the lead agency

Wed, 10/30/2024 - 16:00
Kod CSS i JS

We are pleased to announce that the Slovenian agency ARIS will conduct a call for proposals under the Weave programme from 30 October 2024 to 31 January 2025 (2 p.m.), with the Slovenian agency acting as the lead agency.

Please note that under the Weave-UNISONO call, if a joint proposal is submitted to ARIS as the lead agency by 31 January 2025 (2 p.m.), an NCN proposal must be submitted electronically via the OSF submission system as soon as possible following the submission of the joint proposal to ARIS, by 7 February 2025, 23:59 p.m. at the latest.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the work on the NCN proposal has started in the OSF submission system, the Polish research team has 45 calendar days to complete the proposal and submit it to the NCN. After that, the proposal can no longer be edited, in which case a Polish research team that has not sent its proposal to the NCN must prepare a new proposal and complete it in the OSF submission system.

Research on Early Iron Age populations

Wed, 10/30/2024 - 14:00
Kod CSS i JS

Dr Robert Staniuk was awarded funding for his research on population aggregation and dispersion in the Early Iron Age Smuszewo microregion. The research component funded by the National Science Centre under the Polish Returns NAWA programme amounts to over 195 thousand zlotys.

Dr Robert Staniuk is a winning applicant of the Polish Returns NAWA 2023 programme. He will pursue his project “Coming together, staying together, and failing - population aggregation and dispersion in the Early Iron Age Smuszewo microregion” at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He will pursue basic research into the populations that created and populated the Smuszewo hillfort in the Wielkopolska Region under the research component funded by the National Science Centre.

Ranking List

Polish Returns NAWA 2023 is a programme that allows Poland researchers who worked abroad to continue their research in Polish research institutions.

The continuous call for proposals at the National Science Centre is open from the date the funding decision is issued by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under its Polish Returns NAWA 2023 until the last proposal is submitted to the NCN that contains a research component and has been recommended for funding. Proposals submitted to the NCN are subject to a merit-based evaluation only.

Research components can only be pursued by returning scientists or project teams if they are covered by a proposal submitted to Polish Returns NAWA 2023.

The NCN Council has allocated 2 million zlotys for research component funding under Polish Returns NAWA 2023.