QuantERA Call 2017 is now open

Fri, 01/13/2017 - 15:18

QuantERA Network is pleased to announce that the Call 2017 for Transnational Research Proposals supporting the topics of Quantum Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies is now open.

Thematic scope of the Call:

  1. Quantum communication
  2. Quantum simulation
  3. Quantum computation
  4. Quantum information sciences
  5. Quantum metrology sensing and imaging
  6. Novel ideas and applications in quantum science and technologies

Two stages application procedure (pre-proposals and full proposals) is open for consortia composed of researchers from at least three QuantERA Partner countries.

Applicants are obliged to comply with the national/regional eligibility criteria defined by each participating funding organization.

The deadline for submitting the pre-proposals is March 15th, 2017, 17.00 Central European Time.

Call documents and further details are available on the website: www.quantera.eu.


Maintenance break in the OSF submission system

Wed, 12/21/2016 - 00:00

We would like to inform all applicants that from December 23 from 6 p.m. to December 27 until 8 a.m. there will be a maintenance break in the OSF submission system. We apologize for any inconvenience.

QuantERA Cofunded Call 2017 Pre-Announcement

Fri, 12/16/2016 - 12:58

In January 2017 the QuantERA Consortium, coordinated by the National Science Centre, will announce a Co-funded Call for Proposals in the field of quantum technologies.Thematic scope of proposals should include one or more of the following areas:

  1. Quantum communication
  2. Quantum simulation
  3. Quantum computation
  4. Quantum information sciences
  5. Quantum metrology sensing and imaging
  6. Novel ideas and applications in quantum science and technologies

Two stages application procedure (pre-proposals and full proposals) will be open for consortia composed of researchers from at least three QuantERA Partner countries.

Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Excellence,
  2. Impact,
  3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation.

The national/regional eligibility criteria will be defined by each participating funding agency.

The anticipated deadline for pre-proposals is 15th of March 2017.

For details please see the attached document and website.


Almost € 16 million from the NCN towards scholarships and visiting fellowships

Thu, 12/15/2016 - 00:00

The National Science Centre has issued its fifth call for proposals under the ETIUDA programme, and launched the first edition of the SONATINA and UWERTURA programmes. Researchers will be given the opportunity to apply for funding of fellowships in research institutions abroad, including postings with research teams carrying out European Research Council (ERC) projects. The Centre has also announced the MINIATURA funding opportunity for specific single research activities; the call is scheduled to open in April 2017.

International mobility

In December the well-known ETIUDA funding opportunity, addressed to researchers working on their doctoral dissertation, will be complemented by two new NCN funding opportunities for the first time: SONATINA (in the place of the formerly ministerial Iuventus Plus) and UWERTURA, a programme operating in close cooperation with ERC’s own Fellowship to visit ERC grantee opportunity. In April 2017 a call will be opened for research proposals under the third new development of the NCN’s offer: MINIATURA, a funding scheme supporting single research activities.

With the funding opportunities to be announced in December, emphasis is being put on developing cooperation between Polish and foreign research centres  – explained professor Zbigniew Błocki, director of the NCN. Today it is essential for one to build a CV from the very beginning of their research career. One of its most salient elements is mobility and the experience gained in the best research centres overseas. I have no doubt that in the future Poland’s university research personnel will be comprised of such people.

Scholarship programmes: ETIUDA, SONATINA, UWERTURA

ETIUDA 5 is a funding opportunity for doctoral scholarships. Doctoral candidates preparing their dissertations receive a monthly allowance of ca € 1,000 and visit a research centre abroad as a fellow. The budget of the fifth edition of ETIUDA has been set at nearly € 2.4 million.

Prospective entrants in the SONATINA 1 programme are researchers within 3 years of receiving their doctorate. Funding under the programme includes full-time employment in Polish research institutions, realisation of the research project, and a visiting fellowship at a research centre abroad of 3 to 6 months. The aggregate budget of the call will total over € 7 million.

UWERTURA 1 is an opportunity for researchers with a doctorate, who have carried out an NCN-funded research project as a principal investigator. The programme’s aim is to help Polish researchers successfully apply for European resources, and to increase their share among laureates of ERC grants. Within the UWERTURA scheme, Polish researchers will be visiting research teams abroad who are working on ERC-financed projects; subsequently, within 18 months of returning, the visiting researchers themselves  are required to prepare and submit a research proposal to ERC. The Centre’s contribution to the programme is close to € 1.2 million.

MINIATURA or “small grants”

And last but not least, MINIATURA, will enable researchers to secure financing of single activities that serve as parts of a larger research project. Winners of the so-called “small grants” will be able to direct the resources to e.g. initial and pilot studies, library and archival research, consultations, research travels and conferences. This funding offer is being extended to researchers holding a doctorate degree who have not been laureates of NCN programmes yet.

Working with a “small grant” will increase the chances of securing means for larger initiatives on the part of those researchers who haven’t carried out their own projects at earlier stages of their career, said professor Michał Karoński, chair of the Council of the NCN. The programme may prove particularly useful for researchers representing smaller research centres, with less robust institutional assistance in seeking funding. In this manner we wish to expand the circle of beneficiaries of grant programmes.

Laureates in MINIATURA will receive from ca € 1,200 to ca € 12,000. Proposals will be accepted on a continuous basis, with a simplified review procedure, thus bringing the time of issuing the funding decision down to three months. This programme will be funded with ca. € 6.8 million.

Proposals for ETIUDA 5, SONATINA 1 and UWERTURA 1 should be submitted through the OSF electronic system (https://osf.opi.org.pl) by 15th March 2016. Results will be published by September 2017. The call for MINIATURA applications starts on 3rd April 2017. From the December edition onwards, research proposals in all NCN calls will be submitted solely on-line.

Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI) – call for proposals

Tue, 12/13/2016 - 00:00

We would like to invite researchers to submit proposals under Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI) Food-Water-Energy Nexus call for proposals. The call has three topics to address urgent and long-term challenges within the Food-Water-Energy Nexus.

The call aims to develop more resilient and applied urban solutions that bring inter- and transdisciplinary research and innovation together from across the globe, to benefit a much wider range of stakeholders: i.e. researchers, cities, civil society and business.

The call targets research in the following topics:

  • Robust Knowledge, Indicators and Assessments,
  • Multi-level Governance and Management,
  • Managing Strategies and Solutions.

Funding is available for international research projects that involve at least three researchers from three different eligible countries.

Funding: 28,5 M EUR, including support from Horizon 2020

Participating countries:

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Cyprus, France, Germany, Japan, Latvia, The Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA.

Partner search forms facilitate the composition of consortia. To look for a project partner or a project to join please join the LinkedIn group or Future Earth Open network.

Call documentation:

  1. SUGI Call Text
  2. SUGI Application form
  3. SUGI Eligibility requirements
  4. SUGI Call infoflyer
  5. SUGI Contact points
  6. SUGI Presentation

Information for Polish applicants:

  1. Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 15 March 2017 at 19:00 CET. The deadline for full-proposal: September 20th 2017.
  2. On the full proposal stage Polish applicants must register their applications in the OSF submission system (UNISONO application). This application includes the following budget table: http://ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/UNISONO_budget_table.xlsx.
  3. Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the OSF system should be given in PLN (1 EUR= 4,3334 PLN). 
  4. We strongly encourage all applicants to read information on eligible costs included in the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO).
  5. If one international project includes partners from two different Polish Host Institutions, these institutions must apply as a consortium. Each Host Institution comprising the consortium has a separate budget, but the limit on the applies to the consortium as a whole.
  6. We invite all researchers who plan to apply within the SUGI call to contact the NCN.


Joanna Komperda, tel. +48 12 341 9138

dr Kinga Sekerdej, tel. +48 12 341 9172

For more information please see: www.sugi-nexus.org

QuantERA Launch Event in Lisbon

Wed, 11/30/2016 - 07:43

The representatives of the QuantERA Consortium and the Strategic Advisory Board will meet on Thursday, 1st of December 2016 to launch one of the biggest ERA-NET Programmes with a budget of over EUR 37 million that will support international research in the field of quantum technology. The Programme is coordinated by the National Science Center, Poland.The agenda of the Lisbon meeting includes acceptance of the Consortium Agreement and approval of the scope and procedures of the Co-funded Call. The international call for proposals is the key activity of the QuantERA Programme and will lead to the funding of trans-national research projects on quantum technologies. The official pre-announcement is scheduled for January 2017.

Report on the outcomes of the QuantERA Lisbon meeting and further information will be soon available. 


Sylwia Kostka, tel: +48 12 341 9018

Marlena Wosiak, tel: +48 12 341 9018

New NCN call for Polish-Lithaunian research project to be opened in 2017

Tue, 11/29/2016 - 10:58

On the 16th of November 2017, in Krakow, a meeting took place involving representatives of the National Science Centre (NCN) and the Research Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos mokslo taryba, LMT). During this meeting, prof. Zbigniew Błocki, director of the NCN, and prof. Daunius Pauža, chair of the LMT, signed a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions. This bilateral agreement lays the cornerstone of work on a future common funding opportunity for Polish-Lithuanian research teams. The call for proposals, covering Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering, will be launched in the second half of 2017.

The Research Council of Lithuania was founded in 1991 to fulfil the role of an expert institution tackling the challenges of scientific development on a national level. The Council is a counsellor of the Lithuanian Parliament and government on research and researcher training issues, implements programme-based competitive funding of research, administers the most important Lithuanian science development programmes, evaluates research performance and represents Lithuanian science in various European institutions and other international organisations. 


Anna Plater-Zyberk, tel: +48 12 341 9016

The role of mannan-binding lectin in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Principal Investigator :
Dr Katarzyna Kasperkiewicz
University of Silesia in Katowice

Panel: NZ6

Funding scheme : OPUS 1
announced on 15th March 2011

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatoid disease affecting children. The causes of its development have not been satisfactorily determined. JIA normally develops before 16 years of age for a period of at least 6 weeks. Patients suffer from stiffening and deformation of joints, including sometimes developmental disorders: usually weight and height disorders or weakening bones. In numerous cases, the disease is related to infections with Yersinia enterocolitica, bacteria belonging to serogroup O:3. The classification of a microorganism to a given serogroup depends on the structure of the so-called O-polysaccharide, a part of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxins), one of many pathogenetic factors. In spite of the absence of bacteria in the diseased joints, immune complexes of antigens with IgM, IgG, IgA antibodies and LPS fragments can be detected in patients’ serum and synovial fluid even years after the infection.

The paramount aim of the project was to investigate the role mannan-binding lectin (MBL) played in juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated with Yersinia infections. MBL is considered to be one of the key factors of the innate immune system; its activity is similar to that of antibodies (facilitates phagocytosis of infectious factors; it takes part in their elimination thanks to the activation of a complement: a system of cascade-activated proteins present in serum). Unlike immunological antibodies, it has, however, broad specificity (it can identify different microorganisms) and an earlier contact with the infectious factor is not required for it to be fully operational.

Over the course of the research work, the presence of mannan-binding lectin (as well as the presence of other proteins of the ficolin family) was detected in samples of synovial fluid from patients with JIA. It was also found that it retains the ability to activate the complement. The results of concentration measurements of the above-mentioned proteins in serum samples from the patients and members of the control group, as well as the results of selected polymorphisms of the MBL2 gene, suggest that MBL deficiency may be related with JIA, which is accompanied by antibodies recognising Yersinia antigens. Low concentrations of ficolin-2 were, on the other hand, relatively often observed in patients, regardless of the presence of these antibodies.

It was also proved that mannan-binding lectin is capable of recognising some Yersinia lipopolysaccharides, and the region where it links with those endoxins is the heptose area of the inner core oligosaccharide.

Project title: Investigation of the role of mannan-binding lectin in juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated with Yersinia infections

Dr Katarzyna Kasperkiewicz

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

Graduated in medical analytics from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. Received doctorate in biology from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, where she carried out research in Yersinia enterocolitica surface antigen immunochemistry. Works at the Chair of Microbiology of the same unit. In her work towards her scientific goals, she collaborates closely with the Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences; the Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, and  Research Center Borstel in Germany.

Dr Katarzyna Kasperkiewicz

The role of the Common Agriculture Policy in the process of the modernisation of Polish agriculture

Principal Investigator :
Dr Karolina Babuchowska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Panel: HS4

Funding scheme : SONATA 2
announced on 15th September 2011

In a globalising economy, the agricultural sector as one of its elements is influenced by global processes and development trends and as such experiences both the positive and negative consequences of that influence. Entities wishing to develop and thrive on the market should concentrate their activities on the search for and implementation of new and more advanced and effective solutions. This serves as an explanation for the current high demand for innovation, which is perceived as a way to increase the competitiveness of sectors and whole economies. Innovation is by no means a modern-day invention. Humans since ancient times have been introducing modifications and solutions which hitherto had not been known – in order to fulfil their needs, improve their work and life circumstances. This means that innovation is not just a fad, but a feature of human existence, although humans have not always been aware of this fact.

Relatively seldom is the innovation aspect mentioned in relation to the agricultural sector of the economy. It is definitely more typical to speak of scientific and technological progress, a blanket term for all novelties introduced to agricultural production and the social life of the inhabitants of rural areas at a given time and place with a view to achieving better production-economic results and to improve living standards. It is also important that the new solutions employed in agriculture take into account the potential degradation of resources, including soil, water and ecosystems.

Introducing new solutions on farms is conditioned both by internal and external variables. Among the internal ones, a key role is played by the range of production factors at the agricultural producer’s disposal. Of critical importance is also the farmer’s attitude, which may vary from highly innovation-inclined to conservative. A huge impact on the progress and modernisation of agriculture comes from external variables, since most modern solutions that can be employed in this sector, e.g. new or improved plants or animals, devices or technology are produced outside farms. Of considerable significance is also the institutional environment, which serves as the vehicle for bringing the results of scientific research into farming practice and the regulations of the extant law.

Poland’s membership in the European Union and the incorporation of its farms into the Common Agriculture Policy has changed the landscape of everyday operations and intensified the changes going on in the country’s agricultural sector. It has also inspired research aimed at the role of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the process of the modernisation of Polish agriculture. Because of the vast diversity of dairy production, it was decided that the research would concentrate on one of its branches – namely milk production.

Farms specialising in breeding dairy cattle and milk production are an important part of Poland’s agriculture. European integration has prompted many of them to introduce changes so as to meet specific norms e.g. health and quality. In this research project a survey has been carried out on more than 1,000 Polish dairy farms distributed all over the country.

The survey shows that the modernisation of production was directly connected to the process of investment. Investments were made on 976 farms, chiefly because of the need to conform to the CAP standards. Pursuant to the 2003 reform of the CAP, a farm was eligible for single area payment when it met criteria related to the process of registration of animals or concerning the conservation of natural environment, public health, animal health and welfare. The structure of adaptation of various Polish farm types depended, among others, on their production profile. Needless to say, farmers specialising in dairy production were forced to implement many modifications. In the sample group, 70 per cent have made investments to modernise or develop their agricultural buildings. Among them, 56.8 per cent have introduced improvements related to the welfare of animals, 50.9 per cent have had milking equipment installed, and 47.6 per cent have modernised the milk storage premises. But the most widely preferred investment has been that of machines and agricultural devices (84.5 per cent).

The modernisation of Polish farms would have been an arduous task to accomplish had it not been for financial transfers under the CAP. More than 36 per cent of dairy farms in the survey have invested spare resources from direct payments, while more than 40 per cent have secured support from the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme. In 70 per cent of the farms, the solutions implemented thanks to the new investments had not been previously in use and their nature was that of a novelty for the farms in question. In slightly more than 10 per cent of the cases, the changes has been a novelty on the scale of their respective communes.

Project title: The role of the Common Agriculture Policy in the process of the modernisation of Polish agriculture focusing on the example of milk production

Dr Karolina Babuchowska

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

Works as lecturer at the Chair of Economic and Regional Policy at the Faculty of Economics, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. She received her doctorate in Economics in 2006 from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Her research interests concentrate on the problems of entrepreneurship and innovation, development of rural areas and European policies, specifically the Common Agricultural Policy. She promulgates the results of her research in practice, working with such institutions as, among others: the Agricultural Property Agency, the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture, and farm advisory centres. For her research and teaching achievements, she has received several awards.

Dr Karolina Babuchowska

Fluent reading, dyslexia and tactile reading

Principal Investigator :
Prof. Marcin Szwed
Jagiellonian University

Panel: HS6

Funding scheme : SONATA BIS 1
announced on 15th March 2012

Reading is an amazing process. It happens quickly (a fluent reader reads around two hundred words per minute) and in a parallel order (the letters of a word are recognised all at the same time). The fascinating thing about reading is its relative novelty among human skills (we have only read for some 5,400 years), which could not evolve in the strict biological sense of the word. Since the skill is not innate, learning to read is the largest plastic transformation “forced” upon our brains by our culture. In the project we are interested both in how the development of this skill may be halted by dyslexia, and how mechanisms of fluent reading develop in a situation where the work is done not by means of sight but touch, with texts written in Braille.

Dyslexia manifests itself in difficulties learning to read, which occur despite normal intelligence, motivation and a favourable environment. Although the disorder affects as many as 5-12 per cent of the general population, no effective method for its treatment has been devised so far. A popular theory of reading dysfunction is the hypothesis of faulty processing of information in dyslexic people’s ventral visual stream, where a specialised brain region responsible for recognising written words is located. We asked ourselves whether the weaker activation patterns in that region were the cause or the result of the reading disorder. In other words, we wanted to know, whether those weaker activations prevent people with dyslexia from achieving reading fluency, or they are the result of a permanent reading disorder that emerged earlier. We thus examined children with developmental dyslexia diagnosed on the threshold of learning to read. We were able to show that, apart from the previously mentioned region in the ventral visual stream, differences can also be seen in children in the dorsal visual stream, i.e. the region of the brain involved in visual-spatial processing, such as managing the “order” of letters. Dyslexia may be therefore rooted in visual-spatial processing disorders.

We also tested the development of fluent reading mechanisms in the situation where the text is written in Braille. Biology textbooks want us to believe that the brain is divided into separate parts, each processing information from a separate sense. In order to see whether it really is the case, we decided to have people with normal eyesight learn to read Braille. It turned out that during the months-long process of learning that complicated tactile activity, changes in the brain were taking place not in the sensory but in the visual cortex. This shows that when we invest sufficient amounts of time and energy into learning a complicated activity, we may be able to develop new brain connections, functioning above the strict division. These results therefore show that when we learn complex activities such as playing the piano or driving a car, we can change the use of different regions of our brains thanks to our own effort and will. Our brain can overcome its own default division of duties. It can develop new connections which increase its potential. This surprising capability of our brain to transgress its own limitations, which we have discovered, may be one of the features that made us human and allowed us to develop a complex culture incorporating both pianos and Braille.

Project title: Low-level visual processes in fluent reading. Neuroimaging reading expertise, its basic mechanisms and its pathology in dyslexic children

Prof. Marcin Szwed

Kierownik - dodatkowe informacje

Studied biology at Jagiellonian University. In the years 2000-2006 he worked in Israel, at the Weizmann Institute of Science, under professor Ehud Ahissar he received his doctorate. He continued his research during a fellowship in France, where he collaborated with Stanislas Dehaene (Inserm Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, Saclay) and Laurent Cohen (Brain and Spine Institute, ICM, Selpétrière Hospital, Paris). In 2011 he returned to Poland to establish a research team at the Faculty of Psychology of Jagiellonian University and to conduct research in an NCN-financed project under the SONATA BIS 1 scheme. Married, father of two daughters: Nina (born in Tel-Aviv) and Vera (born in Paris).

Prof. Marcin Szwed