Dr Oskar Wolski
- Coordinator for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Email: Oskar Wolski
- Phone no. (12) 3419173
Oskar is a PhD holder in social sciences (social and economic geography and spatial management). He is interested in rural development, local and regional development and intersection thereof with technology, as well as selected theoretical and methodological issues of geographical sciences. He was a principal investigator of projects funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (Etiuda, Preludium) and member of research teams in projects funded by the National Science Centre (Opus), Polish-German Science Foundation and International Visegrad Fund as well as under the Interreg and Horizon 2020 Programmes. By profession he is a teacher.
Oskar was a visiting researcher at the University of Liverpool. He is a winner of the TopMinds mentoring programme launched by the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission and Top 500 Innovators. He was an expert for the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) and Smart and Competitive Rural Areas of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) run by the European Commission as well as reviewer for the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary and journals published by Taylor & Francis and Emerald. He was also involved in increasing the popularity of science, for example during the Festivals of Science, Technology and Art in Lodz (Poland). He organised national and international scientific conferences.
He worked as a research assistant and editor at the Institute of Urban Development in Krakow (Poland) and as assistant professor (post-doc) at the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce (Poland). In his student days he worked as a tour leader. In March 2022, he was employed by the National Science Centre as a scientific coordinator where he is involved in open science measures.