pon., 30/07/2012 - 00:00

We are pleased to acknowledge that Professor Jacek Błażewicz, a member of the NCN Council and Professor Erwin Pesch from the University of Siegen have received the Copernicus Award granted by the Foundation for Polish Science. The purpose of the award is to give a distinction to the individuals most active in Polish-German scientific cooperation who have made exceptional research achievements as a result of that cooperation and who have attained significant successes in promoting young research personnel.

Professors Błażewicz and Pesch were honored with the Copernicus Award for their joint research and development of algorithms in the field of scheduling and bioinformatics. Both winners are also equally successful in supporting young scientists – for many years there has been regular research exchange and cooperation between their teams, including organization of numerous workshops and conferences. Their major common scientific achievement includes an internationally published monograph entitled ‘’Scheduling Computer and Manufacturing Processes’’ and co-authored ‘’Handbook on Scheduling Theory” published by the Springer Verlag. 


This text has been based on information found on the Foundation for Polish Science website.